I decided to take my ozempic tonight since I have not gotten "permission" to get off it yet

My extreme gas and bloating APPEARS to be leveling off a bit anyway. I still don’t know what the cause was for sure.

Ozempic, a gastro issue related to colonscopy prep or colonscopy poly removal itself, or even the more remote possibility, colon cancer. No , idea.

But it seems to not be as severe today. Of course, I had a day a couple days ago where it was better and then came back strong again, so who knows.

I also have not had to vomit in a few days.

Anyway, point is, I decided to continue for awhile. I honestly feel like a glutton for punishment continuing it, but I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.


Were you able to contact your dr about your concerns and to ask why the biopsy results are taking so long.


Has your doctor adjusted your diet to try and give you some relief?


No, I did not call about that yet, and the results have still not arrived. I keep hoping that they are going to arrive and they don’t. I will probably have to call the gastro office as my PC doctor probably wont be able to tell me anything. I’m not sure what they will be able to tell me as they had to send the samples to pathology to get them analyzed. And I have no number for where they sent the samples.

I guess I should try to see what I can find out tomorrow.

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The Nurse practitioner gave me pills for quesiness last Friday and gave me a list of foods to avoid. I have not talked to my PC doctor since then.

The NP told me to come back in a week if I still have these symptoms.

Here is what has helped with my gastric distress:

  1. Walk at least half an hour a day for bowel motility.
  2. Increased fibre in diet. I have shredded wheat for breakfast. I take psyllium husk supplements.
  3. I have fewer issues with gas when using probiotics.
  4. I only have red meat once every couple of weeks. I had some tonight and you don’t want to be near me right now, I tell ya. I do better with mostly vegetables and some fish or chicken every second or third day.
  5. Legumes are your friend.
  6. Avoid deep fried foods and greasy foods (pizza!).
  7. No junk food. At all. Period.

It is not the most fun, but neither is being constantly sick.

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Thanks @shutterbug .

Dont legumes cause gas?

  1. Wash them carefully first, that helps.
  2. Add a bit of baking soda.
  3. Eat a LOT. The gas is worst when you’re first adding them to your diet. Things settle down once your body adjusts to the new diet (your gut flora rebuilds itself around the new diet).

@Bowens , your dr can contact the lab to get the results sooner. It’s worth a phone call to the drs office.


I’m just adding that you need to eat six very small meals instead of three big ones. It puts less pressure on your stomach. Cutting out or reducing carbonated drinks will help. As well as acidic foods. When you do drink out of a cup never use a straw. Eat your veggies then protein and carb very last. It all helped me.

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I guess I could call both my PC doctor and the Gastro office. I was just thinking calling Gastro directly would yield better results as its a more direct line to pathology, since gastro are the ones who sent them out.


Oh, yeah, I’d call the gastro office

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from what i read ozempic makes u feel fuller by slowing digestion so basically causes the symptoms of gastric paresis which explains the throwing up and stomach issues.

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Yes, it does. You are right. The only thing is, I had been on Ozempic for over 8 months(not sure exactly when started) and although I had been sick before, I have never had this level of gas and sulfur burps until 2 weeks after colonoscopy and 1 week off ozempic. So, its difficult to diagnose.

I mean, some days I sleep for an hour and have to get up and its like letting all the air out of a balloon.,

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Yeah Reglan is my med I use for my gastroparesis. But it’s got really rough side effects. I’m on it every 14 days cycle. They said first thing to do is only eat very small amounts six times a day. It helped a lot,

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yeah i took that before too. i had bad gastroparesis as a kid. had feeding tube going straight into small intestine for a while and was on reglan shots. it went away tho. prob was a side effect of a med or something idk.


I have to shut of all electronics in the room in order to start my sleep study device, so if I dont respond to anymore comments in this thread until morning, sorry!


I wonder if your body is reacting to the abrupt stopping and then restarting the ozempic, especially if you resumed the ozempic at the same dose instead of gradually increasing the dose back up.

Kinda like drivers that hit the brakes then floor it on the gas pedal instead of a smooth gradual transition, resulting in their passenger getting carsick and puking. :thinking: :unamused: :confounded: :grimacing:


The cleanse and colonoscopy also massively disrupts gut and intestinal bacterial flora.

Perfect storm?