not that i have any. one big thing preventing me from engaging in this behaviour is the thought that i would be prevented from leaving the country. so i just think about it instead of acting on it.
It’s legal now here
Fortunately I have no weed convictions
Both of my possession charges totaling .3 grams in total between the two arrests were expunged
I got popped for petty larceny for shoplifting two CDs from Tower Records when I was 16. Completed 6 months probation and my record was sealed. Got a drunk in public charge when I was 19. It’s a hassle having to disclose it, but I do in the interest of transparency. Other than a few moving violations also in my teens, I’ve been clear of law enforcement since. Good thing, breaking the law is expensive and can cause issues in later life. Don’t give the State reason to make money off you, folks.
I got caught with pot by the cops several times. Most I got was a ticket and paid a fine. California dreaming. They also confiscated my favorite pipe.
Its legal here but even then I am not smoking it again as it makes me psychotic. The government put a label on weed products about causing or worsening sz:
Pot is lethal to me. From my experience a person can get REALLY wasted on it, it’s a powerful drug. Before I got ill I smoked pot that was dosed with lsd, or pcp, or maybe even embalming fluid. Probably embalming fluid because I am an f-d up dude. I used it about 100 times. I got high one day, one joint was all I could take, and read THE BIBLE. It was the first time I’d read the book at all, and that was the second worst mistake of my life!!!
Well since you can’t smoke lsd I’d say it probably wasn’t lsd
Pcp is definitely possible. And it’s also the worst single drug I’ve ever taken aside from maybe alcohol
I would be ashamed of any conviction for any reason other than defending the rights of someone who couldn’t defend themselves. Then I would take that rap gladly.
I smoke weed legally, I have a mmj card…some can do it, some can’t…it helps me. especially with pain.
Reminder folks. It’s still illegal over here and that is what happens. It’s not really a major strike anymore but you can still get done for trafficking in some states. Others it’s decriminalised. It’s dumb I know but that is the legals.
I got what they call a “cannabis warning” about 10 years ago here in uk. You just signed a piece of paper and they take it. If your caught again in 6 years they will nick you for it tho.
The weed was mouldy anyway lol.
I gave up pot about 1.5 months ago. I was pretty addicted to it, spent all of my extra time and money on it. I was going to work high. It wasn’t a good time even though I convinced myself it was. I was tired and hungry all the time and felt slower in general. The stuff is just bad news for me.
When I was 16 I was arrested for drunk and disorderly and had cannabis resin on me, fortunately the police didn’t handcuff me while in the car so I just slipped the resin in the seat folds.
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