Honest opinion

How many of you still smoke pot?

It’s going to be legal everywhere by the end of this year.

Killer for us.

How do you know it’ll be legal everywhere?

And you notice people using are still able to come here.

I can’t smoke pot anymore. I just get paranoid. I can’t enjoy it anymore


I used to smoked regularly. It was my escape from reality. I loved being high. But eventually it started sending me into psychosis and a paranoid state so I had to quit.


Haven’t smoked pot since late 1999 when I was in the midst of a psychotic episode. It was getting harder for me to smoke it. I continued although it freaked me out and I was smoking leaf in the end because it was a horrible experience.

Easiest thing was giving away the weed.


I still smoke everyday,

Its legal in my state and my doctor does not oppose.


It’s legal here in Ontario if you have your medical card. I wouldn’t touch the stuff again, I had my fun with drugs. I’m more into researching supplements that I can use to improve myself.

Haven’t smoked pot since the 80’s. Sends me into a paranoid fit

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Makes me psychotic and paranoid.
When I started smoking it was fun, but once sza kicked in it wasn’t the same.

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I think if it were legal I would grow my own, and toke in the evenings, a high cbd, low thc strain…that would probably alleviate some of my evening depression. but it’s not going to be legal in a year. not in Indiana at least. so I don’t touch it. just causes me mild paranoia because it’s illegal, I try to obey the law because I don’t like jail.

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Wait, you went to jail? Please tell me they didn’t put you in solitary too?

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I think you may be wrong predictions on Facebook say it will all be legalized by the end of this year.

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I’ve never smoked pot.

I never went to jail for drugs. but got picked up hiking along the highways a few years ago for failure to identify. I spent a little time in jail and yes was in solitary once. charges were dropped in those cases but it just takes time so you sit and wait in jail. there were more fights in the hospital than there were in jail by the way.

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Umm… were you under arrest for something else?

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Yeah I watch cops, I know how this works

nope. that is why the charges were dropped. I considered it a unlawful search of my person to identify. I just liked to hike hundreds of miles along the highways getting to my destinations.

same story, some prejudiced cop investigates me for being suspiscious. I don’t give a name and get sent to jail or sometimes hospital. then I wait for it to be thrown out. happened 5 times.


I believe I would just identify myself.

Is there a reason you didn’t want them to know who you are?

Okay, good, because I was about to say that that can’t be a standalone charge, like resisting arrest. Walking down the highway is not a crime, and choosing not identifying yourself when you’re not under arrest is your right. I swear the law enforcement officers in this country are on fu cking power trips.