I would be happy if they made a drug that is little bit better than invega sustenna

Invega sustenna has to be the best medication out there. It keep a person sane . I wish they made invega sustenna 2.0


Im on invega sustenna. Its a good drug. Not working for me right now. Im freaking out. Im scared my parents are listening to me breath outside my door. And that they are gonna call an ambulance

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How much positive symptoms can you put up with before - trying adding something or something completely different?


I have that issue once or twice a month too , that’s why if there was invega 2.0 we wouldn’t have that problem

I take invega pills for me they work good


Paliperdone is actually a metabolite of risperidone so risperidone 2.0, no doubt there is someone out there exploring risperidone 3.0/paliperdone 2.0 as we speak.

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