I went on a few dates with an occupational therapist, she says my diagnosis is wrong

I went out a few times with a girl with a masters degree in occupational therapy who works with psych patients. She’s telling me it’s almost obvious I don’t have sza disorder. Idk why these doctors keep giving me this diagnosis. My friends, family, and the people close to me don’t agree with the diagnosis either

I feel trapped and I’m tapering off lexapro bc I had serotonin syndrome. I’m having withdrawal symptoms and serotonin syndrome symptoms, I can’t tell if I’m delusional or not right now, but I’ve had this long standing belief that my doctors are kinda just neglecting to correct a mistake they had made. I really need a new psychiatrist and therapist

A second opinion is never a bad thing. I say just look around see if you can find a new doctor and then ask for a full workup/assessment.


Thank you, I’m going to. It just feels like so much right now

Don’t do anything without talking to your doctor first and then getting a second opinion. An OT is not a psychiatrist. My husband was a chemist and thought I was misdiagnosed. It is an invisible illness, so what did he know? It was the biggest mistake of my life listening to him and going off my meds.


@anon82230070, I’m going to ask you a few questions. Have you ever in your life had a manic episode? Also, have you ever in your life had a hard to treat depressive or suicidal episode? At the same time, have you ever been psychotic when your mood has been stable and content? If so, you are most likely sza.

Diagnoses may change depending on the psychiatrist. I have received three diferent diagnoses after my hospitalization. Just realize that even psychiatrists can’t understand what’s happening to you. Many of them can’t understand what schizophrenia really is. They can have a vague idea about a supposed chemical imbalance, but not the entire complexity of a mental disorder.

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That’s why she’s an occupational therapist and not a psychiatrist. She’s wrong. She should just stick to making to-do lists for people which is what she’s paid to do.


Agreed. She is an OT not a doctor. That’s like having a layperson diagnose a broken bone for you. How would they know? Good reason not to see her anymore in my opinion

what did she think you have?

it’s possible to have a wrong diagnosis I suppose

See another pdoc for a second opinion. Personally, I was diagnosed schizophrenic by 3 doctors

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I’d get a second opinion. My counselor says I don’t present as a typical schizophrenic person, but he still believes I have it. You could be like me, and present differently than most. Or, you might not have it. Before changing your meds routine, I’d get a second opinion from an actual psychiatrist.

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AN old one from 1976 re ‘atypical schizophrenia’.

A doctor on Facebook told me I might not be schizophrenic. I don’t believe him. I believe my doctors and experts who took time working with me.


Greyfish. They do this to people.

I have had a psychosis but it had seemed to be caused by the stimulant and antidepressant I had been taking at the time (had sweats, chills, tremors etc). That was a year ago. Since then I’ve made it several months with either no meds or as little as 2.5 mg of abilify/day and had been completely fine. Now I’m having a lot of trouble though, from coming off of lexapro

I honestly have no idea, I have thought disorganization but my symptoms aren’t very debilitating the way people on this site describe. I don’t have mood swings, outside of when I had serotonin syndrome. It seems like a very very mild form of schizophrenia and an emotional disorder. Maybe borderline but I don’t cut myself or anything


It’s easy to believe you aren’t sz or sza when you aren’t having symptoms. I just had a 10 month stretch where I wasn’t in the hospital and had no breakdowns. Then BOOM my family is trying to drive me to suicide. Everyone can tell what I’m thinking. Everyone is out to hear my bus I was to laugh about it later. Things are crawling on me. There are things crawling up to my bed to put their face in mine when my eyes are closed. And so on. That was nearly a year psychosis free.

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We’re you on meds when that happened?

Yes. 1515151515