I was effectively chased out of my volunteer job by a

fully grown, adult male bully. He’s loud, boorish, and thinks he has the right to order us (all females), around simply because he’s a man. I don’t agree, and the other women are silent and don’t stick up for me. I’m sick of it and I quit working with him!


You were saying a few days ago that you didnt like having a male at your volunteer job. Were there negative vibes there?

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Yes and this was the reason.

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Maybe he’s a narcissist. I don’t like that men know best vibes. If you’re the boss ok or if you have some constructive advice ok. But if you’re gonna act dominant or superior when it’s not earned go f yourself. My mom ran into this at her job when a superior was temporarily brought in to fill a position. I hope I don’t give off those vibes when I work with women or I’ll try not to.

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I’m the President of this group and he’s ordering me and everybody else around!


Maybe you could confront him. Think of some way to let him know that he is over stepping his boundaries idk. Tell him you enjoy his enthusiasm but ect. Or give him some specific tasks to do. Keep him busy. if you manage the group and everyone has more specific responsibilities maybe it’ll keep things more orderly or clear cut.

I tried calling him last night to discuss reason and he flat out refused to talk.

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If youre president, order him out of the meeting and if he doesnt leave call the cops

Unfortunately I don’t think I have the support of the other (female) members. At least I don’t think I do. I haven’t discussed it with them.


That is an idea. Thanks.


I’d find a new volunteer job. Some people just don’t listen

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You could give him a little pig and say that it matches his personality :grinning:

I turn evil in situations like that so it’s best that I try to avoid that.

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I know you loved your volunteer work so I’m sorry to hear this.

I hope you will stand up for yourself and stand up to him that his behaviour is not on.
Very difficult I understand but hopefully you can do it and continue volunteering.

I quit salvos because of a man that doesn’t like me and gives off wierd vibes and a woman who talked down at me and tried bossing me about and was not ok.


Actually, for the sake of all current and future volunteers, you need to find a way to make him leave. I like the idea of pulling rank and if necessary, having him escorted out.

Keep your voice even and calm but be insistent that he leave. If he refuses, tell him you’re calling the police and proceed to do so if he still doesn’t leave.


It is as I suspected. I don’t have the support of the other women. The most important woman involved said that she ‘loved’ both he and I and couldn’t be forced to decide between us. I’m outa there!!!
@TheSecondVariety @Jonathan2 @broken @LilyoftheValley @SacredNeigh7 @Zoe


I hope you find a better volunteering place


Sounds like another place would be better for you.


Thankyou. I’m so done with them.


Good on you for not tolerating his disrespect and removing yourself from such a person.


Thankyou @SacredNeigh7.