I want to lose weight

I’m 5’10" and 250 lbs. That’s considered obese, and I’m sick of it. Sick of feeling run down and sore all the time from my body having to support all that extra poundage, sick of looking down and seeing that big belly that makes me look pregnant, sick of having to strategically choose my wardrobe to wear things that won’t look horrible on me.

So with that in mind, I’m going to make an effort to eat better and exercise more. Right now, I’m at an equilibrium- with my current (terrible) diet and level of activity, my weight is stable. But I know as I age, it’s just going to creep up unless I do something about it. So no more gorging on junk food. I’m gonna get a bunch of frozen veggies, the kind that you can just steam in the bag in the microwave, and supplement with lean meat. It’s not gonna be easy, but neither was quitting smoking, and I pulled that off 5 years ago.

Adding to that, I’m gonna take up yoga. I can’t do cardio, my lungs are too messed up from when I DID smoke to do any of that, and I also have heart problems. But something slow paced, that emphasizes balance and coordination over strength and endurance, might be a better option. I thought about taking up weightlifting, as it burns a lot of calories, but I don’t want to bulk up. Anyone have any other suggestions for how to lose weight?


I’m trying to stick to a no bread, no pasta, no rice, no sweets diet.
Hopefully I’ll stay with it.

I buy the microwaveable frozen veggies that steam in the bag also.
I’ve also been eating more lean meat.

Good luck @RowanAmethyst!


Awesome that you quit smoking. I am considering doing the same. It’s a decision that would generally make everyone happy.

Take care :v:

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Hi @RowanAmethyst I used to weigh 200 lbs. and I am 5 ft. 8 inches tall. I now weigh 147 lbs. I lost over 50 lbs. in one year and a half using the calorie tracking app. www.MyFitnessPal.com I now track my calories everyday using this app. Even after losing all of the weight. I no longer drink calories. I only drink plain tap water and plain black coffee and tea without additives. No pop of any kind. No alcohol of any kind either. Too caloric. I exercise every day at activities that I enjoy. I pick three activities of my own choosing and do them every day. For example, I choose to do yoga everyday, play my piano for 45 minutes everyday, and take the stairs at my apartment building everyday. The list of activities are endless. The point is to choose them and then do them everyday. And I weigh myself regularly too and record. Not everyday but like once or twice a month. Just to stay on track. It’s really that simple. Good luck to you.


i was at a similar weight to you at 5’11 240 pounds now i am at 215 because i have been doing a ketogenic diet for almost 2 months as well as counting calories i only eat 1200-1500 calories a day which is low for my weight and height but easy because being in ketosis reduces hunger i agree with skinnyme about not drinking calories the only things i drink is water, lacroix sparkling water and almond milk which is around 30 calories a cup and less than a carb, i havent even started exercising yet on this diet and i cook almost all my food except sometimed i get buffalo wings or a burger without a bun when i cant cook and both of those work for my diet, i recommend this diet to anyone trying to lose weight because you dont have to be very active and it has worked well for me so far


Years ago, I lost 70 lbs. My motto was “Eat less, move more”.
Best of luck to you! Be good to yourself and be happy with each good thing you do!
I need to lose weight again. Story of my life. This time, about 40 lbs. I’m old now and it’s going to be difficult, but I’m going to do it!


I too am 5’11’’ and gained 70 lbs up to 230 in just a few months of taking meds. I won’t glorify how I lost the weight, but I’m down 55 lbs. Now I’m maintaining (I hope) by exercising and using myfitnesspal. If only I could do what @Anonaccount and @sigarino suggest and not drink my calories I’d be losing weight. I weigh and measure all my food to be as accurate as possible in MFP.


It’s good that you’re starting to loose weight. I’m bad with physical endurance and haven’t been able to muster up the motivation to diet. Now that I work, I force myself to pack less for lunch and finally lost 1-2 pounds lol. For me, having activities that distract me from food really helps.


You might try putting parmesean cheese on your frozen vegetables. I was surprised to find out that parmesean is a low fat cheese, and it’s delicious.


You can lift weights without fear of bulking up. When you see women that are very muscular, they are working very very hard to do that, and/or, using hormones. It generally requires hours a day and a special diet, it won’t happen by accident. Weight lifting is good because the muscle tissue you create will burn calories for you all day long.

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I recently lost about 30 pounds, and I’m still losing it. I’m almost at my target weight. I track my calories using myfitnesspal, and that makes it so easy! I will tell you that you shouldn’t try to cut too many calories all at once. If you reduce your calories too far, your body will think you’re starving, and switch into fat storage mode. You’ll end up burning way less calories than if you ate a reasonable amount.


Also, you don’t have to give up junk food entirely. Just limit yourself. I still have ice cream and chocolate sometimes, and I love it! I could never sustain myself on a diet where junk food was never allowed.


I’m 5’7 and 190lbs. Gained ten pounds in the last month. When you’re shorter its easier to be fat. I just keep eating and the scale keeps creeping up. Makes me feel bad about myself. I was 170 or so three months ago. Maybe need to start counting calories.

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