I want to leave the forum and never come back

It’s virtual world not real life. You can delete my account

And anomyze it please

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Being paranoid spooky…!!!

Don’t leaveeeeee nothing happened

Please don’t leave. You have a lot of friends here that care about you.


@SzAdmin delete my account

What happened? :frowning:

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@spooky is a bit paranoid…!!! Whats up tree…???

Hope he changes his mind…

I’m cleaning my apartment. It’s really hot today and I’m sweating a lot but I have to do it anyway. What are you up to?


@anon48059102. Why don’t you take a break then come back?


I just had dinner… am sipping some warm milk…!!

No comedy serial on tv now… my dad is watching indian news…!!!

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@anon48059102. I hope you decide to stay on the forum.

We regularly have folks who say they want to leave the forum, only to change their minds a while later.

Here’s a post from szadmin on this subject

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@anon48059102 stay with us Spooky. You’ll make it. You’re always welcome to PM me if you need to. :slight_smile:

Noo spooky where are you going? :frowning:

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@anon48059102 I will miss you

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I will never forget your graffiti and your photo with the bird. :slight_smile:


Talk to me Spook.
What’s going on?
PM me if you want.

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Your username cracks me up every time I see it lol
It reminds me of “Pepe le pew” from the old loonie tunes cartoons for some odd reason


This forum is cancer I hate him :confused: today I rided skateboard 3 hours and 1.5 hour in evening I got better riding a skateboard . I was in skatepark and there were kids riding very good … I tried to do some tricks . Then later out of skatepark I tried to do jump and some teenager girls said I don’t know how to skate , as they know better . Stupid girls… they don’t told it to me but I heard how they was talking


Why this forum is cancer? :confused: