Anonymize my account please.
Macee what happened brosky…!!!
I dont like the way the way I am treated here.
Did somebody hurt u here macee…??? Sorry from my side…!!!
Dont want to talk about
Best wishes to you
You don’t have to go… Nothing happened…
You can take a break from forum. I had two breaks so far one week each lol
No breaks. Subtle sideways convoluted strawman attacks on my self do not warrant a break.
I came, I debated, I was labeled badly.
Thank you to those who supported, draw strengnth from today, stay strong.
No names need be mentioned here.
I’m not trying to convince you. Maybe I actually am but I respect you and your decision so I’m doing it with respect.
But I’d like to say you deserve to be here and everyone wants you here. I’m sorry you feel disparaged. People are human and sometimes do things which are not representative of them or their general attitudes but a moment in time. We all have bad moments and sometimes catch each other in them.
Have you ever heard of the porcupines dilemma? How does a porcupine hug another one because of the quills? So even when we try to embrace someone we might be accidentally careless and accidentally hurt them. Maybe that is more what happened than them trying to intentionally make you feel bad.
We don’t want you to go.
Thank you, but was no accident involved. I tried pointing out misperceptions, but was shut down.
Those involved, know exactly what they do. I wont give them any excuses.again thank you
@anon12908646. 15151515