But then I’d want to buy a firearm. in the state I’m in I can hit a firearm because I haven’t been inpatient for over 5 years.
Which kind of gun would you get?
But then I’d want to buy a firearm. in the state I’m in I can hit a firearm because I haven’t been inpatient for over 5 years.
Which kind of gun would you get?
I already have 2. A 220 rifle and 20 gauge shot gun.
I want a Gold Desert Eagle.
Maybe I’ll mail them a check for $45 dues and a letter stating that MI patients should t have firearms.
You can’t have a gun @aziz. You’re as bad as me
The NRA is a joke. It’s nothing but a bunch of people that like to spout vitriolic nonsense and fundraise.
I’m really for conceal carry tho
I was with a family member today who just bought a place in NH and they have open carry
It is important to be a card carrying member if you believe in 2nd amendment.
My dad is super anti gun and my uncle (dad’s brother) is super pro gun. So despite never owning a gun, I’ve grown up around them and I’m actually a really good shot. I’ve fired everything from a .22lr revolver up to a .223 Tavor and everything in between
Yea its illegal in Canada. I play lots of shooter videogames and I prefer the gold desert eagle and gold ak47.
Canada has some weird gun laws
It isn’t important to join them. I’m a believer in the 2cnd amendment, a gun owner, and I hate everything the NRA stands for. They were behind a lot of crap that happened to the parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook.
They don’t believe in comment sense gun laws, nor do they take a stance against killers in mass shootings.
Schizophrenics should 't have guns.
Why? Not every schizophrenic is violent or homicidal or suicidal.
That’s cuz that’s what their members want.
I want to be a member and change things so they’re more reasonable.
It’s like Montana turning to a Blue state. Things can evolve
Good luck with it. It all starts with one person.
I think it’s worth $45
Dont you need a license in Canada to own a gun?
Yeah but the list of Restricted vs Prohibited weapons is weird
Schizophrenics get crazy in unpredictable ways and don’t think straight. Off off meds.