I want to have friends
Yeah, me too! I miss being popular.
We can be friends, but I live in Oklahoma.
I have gotten used to being an outcast to be honest.
If I was to have friendships, I would probably implode from all the maintenance that requires.
I have a couple friends. This woman has about 25 years on me but she taught me a lot about life and religion.
Truth be told I’d rather have one true friend than a 100 bad ones and I have had bad ones.
I found friends from going to the mental illness club house. Its closed now tho, tbh i found them more sane than people outside that place.
All my current friends are from before the illness. The ones who didn’t freak out and didn’t give up on me. I cherish them all.
I’ve kind of wandered away from the general crowd myself. There aren’t many people I can relate to.
I want to have friends too, but I have a knack for meeting the wrong people who take advantage of me …
Im used to being alone
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