I would like a new camera (not a DSLR though) … Something compact but everything is so expensive
I know a guy
Thanks @Tulane I had the rx100 but time to upgrade
Again buying?
What’s wrong with buying stuff
It’s addiction like smoking
When you buy new things your dopamine rises you are happy for few minutes then want to buy agaain
Weren’t you saving up for a trip to Japan?
I’m not in debt and I’m not manic … It’s ok buy stuff within reason.
Yes … I am. But i can still spend no ?
Ok wait two weeks and then decide if you truly need that thing you want to buy now
Yes of course. Your money, your call to make.
Just an advice I want to buy everything too
Basically id like a camera to take with me on trips so I don’t get my phone stolen. It happens a lot here.
It’s okay to buy a new camera.
What are you looking to do with it?
It’s ok turns out it’s still working. I switched the battery out. Thank you.
Darn it. I wanted to talke cameras.
I’m curious how the newer iPhone cameras compare to actual Nikon’s these days. Is the quality almost similar or is it kind of like microphones to where you just can’t really get the same quality with a small mic and actually need a condenser to make pro stuff. If I ever got a new iPhone it would be for the camera
So so in daylight and godawful after dark. A small sensor is a small sensor and no amount of AI tomfoolery can fix the crappy image quality they produce. The bigger the sensor, the higher quality the image. Physics.
Oh ok I see hmm thanks for the info dude.