Rx100 IV £438 I bought
Become a vlogger
Still kinda expensive tho.
I had my eye on it for a while. So happy to finally get it. Means I cur back on buying other stuff
I always regret I never took many pictures of my life. I was always self conscious and we didn’t have much money back in the day when photography was expensive. Getting pics developed was a journey and cost a lot.
Even with digital I don’t take many pics but should. Photography really is an art and I had a friend in America who taught photography. Some of his pictures were really good art.
More power to you @anon80629714. Get out there and use it and have some fun.
With Phones taking such nice pictures now I will probably not get a camera
I sent back the iPhone so not having bought a phone this year I’ve decided to upgrade my compact camera.
I don’t like taking photos or myself but nature and all I’m all for it
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