I used to really care lots more for and about people

Then I got hit hard with all kinds of mental illnesses and I’ve found myself mainly caring for myself since I want to get better and healthier.

It was frustrating and upsetting to me before when I’d talk to people to try to get help and some would call me selfish and conceited and say other bad things about me. They weren’t therapists or counselors or doctors though so they didn’t know what they were talking about.


I have always done things for people and given up a lot. Then this year I decided to do more for myself and open up about my illness.

That got the doctor at the hospital to label me as narcissistic. I decided to not open up to any pdoc except my own.

That’s messed up about that doctor. I’ve had people write lies on my medical records and police report so people misjudge me and view me wrong.

People need to take care of themselves, sometimes especially before they can help others. I used to do all kinds of things for people like give them money when I couldn’t afford it and share things like food and drinks when I only had enough for me. Things like that got me taken advantage of. I’m so glad I get SSI because I feel like I’m being paid back in a way for all I did for others.


I am waiting for my ssdi application to go through appeals. I feel like I deserve it for paying in for years.

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I was just thinking about members here who have been through extra hardship such as a parent dying ,hurricane ,hospitalisation again etc

Lots of members have had name changes which can be confusing.

I have not read that many posts on the forum so I may of missed a lot and trying to remember names and details etc …

Anyway I apologise for not “checking up” on those members and also those I’ve not seen on the forum for a while.

I can probably be feeling like I’m busy just coping myself and taking care of daily life here when I am extra unwell.

Hope you all are doing well and keep us updated.


And cancer ,risk of homelessness etc

do we have a higher risk of cancer?

Amen to that!!!

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I still work as a nurse, so i give an awful lot of myself a lot of the time and its emotionally draining. There are days where i have to call in sick because i just can’t give anymore and i need a day to look after myself. People who don’t have mental health issues just don’t understand what a toll it takes on us. They expect you to just soldier on despite how things are going, and then if something bad happens for you, they stand around scratching their heads trying to figure out how it all went wrong. Rest assurred, you’re not selfish or conceited. You do need to look after yourself from time to time. Self love is the hardest love to give but it is so essential. Especially when you’re hurting. Keep looking after yourself, and then you will find yourself in a better position to help people again.

At a certain level of stress, self-preservation takes precedence. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

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I know how you feel @anon21849028…but one good thing I see from your post is that you recognise this problem, youre aware of it, and hold back

this means you have a good eq rating…you can I time recover your equilibrium

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