I used to like rock music but after schizophrenia and antipsychotics I don't like it anymore

Pre-schizophrenia when I was in my 20s I used to love hard rock music, but since I got diagnosed and and found a good antipsychotic I’ve gone all into pop music and acoustic. I can’t stand rock music for very long. Anybody else have a similar experience?


I stopped listening to the radio at all around the time I got Dx’d, then I stopped watching TV, going to the movies, watching/reading the news, no books, no magazines, no outside entertainment at all.
This went on from 1996-2012.

As one ages and matures, a person gets tired of entertaining themselves to death. Although, @Csummers, I can see you were at kind of an extreme.

I’d say.
I was only 32 when Dx’d, hardly old enough to be that entertained.
Partly it was because my (ex) husband demanded I be in silence because that way when he’d give me a call, I wouldn’t miss it by not hearing it.
Sounds silly now, but it was just one of those things.

It did feel odd though, when someone mentions a movie or TV series that I’ve never seen, and I don’t know what their talking about.
I still have no idea what “The Matrix” or “X-Files” are about, although when I did finally turn the TV back on in 2012 after we divorced, My eyes were so big with amazement at how much the technology had changed in my absence, my mouth was stuck on open saying “Wooooooow.”

I used to listen to hardcore, punk , heavy metal and death metal. I get sick and now i like lady gaga lol. Once in a while i still listen to some heavy music but i am content listening to the pop radio station

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Sounds like a bit of an abusive relationship.

Well, by the same token, listening to hard core death metal isn’t something that follows one through out life either, notice the age of the folks at those concerts?
There is a time and a place for everything in life.

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“When the levee breaks, got no place to go
Cryin’ won’t help you, prayer won’t do you no good”.

Be a simple kind of man.

I listen to Led Zeppelin a lot, the Beatles, and Aerosmith. I love me some classic rock.

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All last night
I sat on the levee and moaned
All last night
Sat on the levee and moaned
Thinking about my baby
And my happy home

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i try to enjoy rock… like led zeppelin and nirvana but i just cant enjoy it anymore… so i try to listen to calmer music like ella fitzgerald, norah jones and fiona apple (jazz stuff). i definitely prefer quiet music now…

Ah, my favorite music to drink beer to in high school. Thanks for that.

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I used to love music, except after I got sick with SZ, my passion for music dried up.

I still listen and love music from the 70’s.

"I used to like rock music but after schizophrenia and antipsychotics I don’t like it anymore"
that’s interesting

That’s really an old Memphis Minnie song!

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Yes, ever since I started listening to Linkin Park’s new stuff LOL! :smile:

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Yes I’ve heard that but I haven’t found a recording.