Music and enjoy

This 2 years of schizophrenia i noticed that i cant enjoy music at all i listen 2 songs maximum so you know this will change in the future what is your opinion about that

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I’m paying for Spotify and have access to every song ever made. But… right now I don’t seem to enjoy it either. I can’t find any “good” songs. I used to love music until recently.

However during the day I have music on in the background.


I have been so lucky in that I still get a lot of pleasure from music and can listen to a lot. I appreciate a lot of us can’t.


I’ve been listening to music a lot this year because I got new speakers


ive been listening to music more than i ever have i think. used to be those long strecthes of highway were silence or npr. that was my early 30s.

music is helpful i feel.


I didnt understand you back in time you couldn’t and know you can?

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oh i could listen and did at home but didnt feel it in my truck.


When my illness began the lyrics bothered me so I listened to music without singing. Now I listen to a lot more because the lyrics don’t bother me as much.

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I listened to music constantly all my life until my only child died when I was 51. I was simply mad about music until then. And I loved all music. My favorites were pop and rock. My least favorite was country. At 51, I no longer found any joy in music so, I quit listening. Same with movies and TV.

Now, twelve years later, I’m finding myself in love with classical piano music for the first time in my life. And I’m watching movies and TV again.


I’ve discovered blues and jazz. I don’t really like long jazz improvisation just the songs with words. I never tried to learn popular music on guitar and I’m now learning some blues. I wanted to learn popular but I wasn’t honest with myself so I stopped playing entirely.


@Jinx, you weren’t honest with yourself how? You mean you didn’t like popular music?

I wasn’t honest with myself that I wanted to learn popular music and I was studying classical.


Sorry for your loss @SkinnyMe

I listen to music or radio a couple times a week i like 80s and 90s stuff


i enjoy music. i listen to local non commercial radio. one station the river is contemporary, up and coming and popular music. plays old stuff frequently. i listen to brunch by the river on sundays. old soul stuff lately. satirdays and wednesdsy night is community radio shows i follow. saturday is old records wed is punk.

used to prefer silence was sad. for years unlesd i was on top of ghe earth id play a cd like samdanista or something.

like npr. i also enjoy mostly everythibg ive ever listened to. some is sad. some painful. but ive notoced that whats painful changes.

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