I took a vitamin D 2000IU and I started shaking and trembling

i took a vitamin d supplement at 8 pm and i am unsure but i wokeup at 4am and i started shaking and trembling really hard and my heart rate rose to 135… Would combining vitamin D with my current medication do this? I took it apart from my medicine at 9pm risperidone 2mg

Doubtful unless it was bad or something. But I am not a doctor

I would call your pharmacist to make sure though

i take up to 4000iu and i think it makes me somewhat restless and makes akathisia worse. but remember, vitamin d is a hormone, meaning it might have long term effects rather than short term ones .

The amount you are taking is fairly small.

If you have light skin and you went outside during the summer, you would make more vitamin D in 10 minutes than what you took.

Probably not related.

I take it because i was low in it. it’s fat soluable which i think means you can get too much.

A doctor can run all the medications you take through a computer and see if any of your vitamins, supplement or medications interact negatively. I take vitamin D and I have no adverse reaction.

The bottle the vitamin D came in might have a list of possible side effects. I don’t know if adverse reactions to vitamin D affect lots of people or a few people or many people but what’s important is how it affects you personally. Everybody’s physiology is different so your neighbors may take vitamin D and have no negative reaction or everybody at my job may take vitamin D and have no problem with it. But that doesn’t gurentee that you personaly can take it safely.

I heard that too much d can cause heart racing so just don’t take so much

That’s way too damn much lol

2000 IU is considered the maximum limit for most people

It really isn’t. The tolerable upper limit is 10,000 IU daily, (don’t take that much unless instructed by a dr) although higher dosages can be given in extreme deficiency.

One dose of 2,000 IU wont even budge the level of vitamin D in your bloodstream. It would take months at that dose to get an appreciable increase.

If you go outside and sunbathe on a sunny summer day you can make 20,000 IU in a matter of 10 minutes, longer if you have dark skin or are closer to the poles.

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The tolerable upper limit is 4,000 IU

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is 600 IU

Sorry I meant NOAEL. (No adverse effects observed.)


Either way though, 2,000 IU is very safe. A deficiency won’t be corrected with 600IU a day, although it will prevent rickets.

Also the brand matters. The regulations on Vitamins are very lax. You don’t have to prove anything works unless it hasn’t been marketed before. Also there was a lot of lies on the ingredient lists in 2012 at Walmart for the Vitamins they sold. There were a lot of toxic things in there that can kill people.

Also this

The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) is not a recommended intake. Rather, it is intended to specify the level above which the risk for harm begins to increase, and is defined as the highest average daily intake of a nutrient that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects for nearly all persons in the general population.
Tolerable Upper Intake Levels: Calcium and Vitamin D - Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D - NCBI Bookshelf

And we all know that we are not general population.

Vitamin D has been the subject of a number of sz related studies. So the safety of varying dosages has been assessed in sz as well as other diseases.

“The results of this study show a relationship between lower levels of vitamin D and the occurrence of positive and negative symptoms, along with increased severity of symptoms at lower levels of vitamin D, suggesting that treatment for schizophrenia should include assessment of patients’ vitamin D levels. We recommend that patients with schizophrenia should be assessed with regard to their vitamin D levels.”

While taking it isn’t going to cure you, it’s bad to be deficient for a whole lot of reasons.

Also the health level over time plays a factor in how much people need as well. If you consistently get enough Vit D, you should be good as you get older. Just as if you were a maintaining a well regulated fitness level, a number of other factors would also be improved.

Oh you can also check out your supplement on Labdoor.com, they independently test supplements and have tested a number of vitamin D products.

Yeah I’ve recommended them here before awhile back. Although the label on the Vit D they checked and the one I had, had changed when I got it. Same brand and all, but they just barely checked the actual contents not long before the label changed.

Some people do need more than others. For those over 45, your body’s ability to get vitamin D from the sun decreases.

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Was there anything alarming in your vitamin D?

No. Mine was good according to labdoor. But I do notice a “high” that comes with the taking of such. Vit D is fat soluble so there might have been complications with that and my HGL cholesterol level. I may have been taking too much for too long. I do have tan skin so I should have a harder time getting Vit D from the sun, yet I suspect I already have too much. The signs are there.