I think this noises and paranoia thing might be getting worse

Noises I can’t explain make me anxious/uneasy. I went to bed only to get up again after a very short while . The reason? Noises that sounded like they were coming from inside the flat,or at least that was how my brain was interpreting it .

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I’m sorry, that sounds rough. Do you think you’ll be able to get any sleep tonight?

Didn’t get any sleep. Am showered and dressed.

Oh right, time zones. I hope you have a better night ahead of you. Does lack of sleep aggravate your symptoms?

I’ve had that happen before. It’s auditory hallucinations. Generally they happened to me if I had a bunch of caffeine or if I had too much energy. My advice is try to calm yourself down to prevent it from turning into a bad situation. You also might want to get your hearing checked out as it is also related to that.

It might if I had a long period without sleep. Otherwise-no.

Me too. I’m honestly so petrified.

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That’s good. There’s a science article I posted on here before that linked auditory hallucinations to hearing loss, so it’s at least good to root that out as a possible cause. Are you under stress lately?

Stress levels have been lower here than they were at my previous place. I have a recurring thing,of long duration , when I go to bed at night which is there are people in the flat. It’s of course totally irrational because apart from my stepdaughter ,granddaughters, the lady who does the cleaning and the post person no one else knows the key code , and would have to buzz to be let in . Then to get in the flat,apart from my stepdaughter who has a key to here, they’d have to knock on the door and be let in .

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