I think the winter darkness may be affecting me

Since it started getting dark early I’ve not felt good, increased anxiety. I also recently cut down on coffee so that could also play into it.

But my mood is definitely worse.


I tried daylight glasses and they worked for a couple of days.

Still using them but not noticing any big impact anymore.


Yeah, night at 3:00 pm doesn’t sound like a plan to me.

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I use a mood light box. It helps me. My doctor prescribed it to me. :cat::cat::cat:

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I bought one of those maybe 10 years ago. Not sure if I still have it.

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Vitamin D is essential for mood in the dark months. I take 5000IU daily.

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I take 2 capsules of omega 3 you buy in the grocery store. Not möllers but the other one. It’s vitamin D in it but not sure how much.

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Yeah the dark days are affecting me as well @magz

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There’s not enough to make a impact on mood in the fish oil. I recommend trying supplementing minimum 50mcg(2000IU).

This is equivalent to about 20-30 minutes in the sun with 22% of skin uncovered.

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Yea that’ll happen… Gotta fight against it… Stay warm. Stay active. Stay healthy. This season is opposed to health. Stay healthy keep your brain healthy and you’ll do well!


I feel the same way. I been tryna focus on physics to avoid dealing with the feelings. But i end up distracted and taking lots of breaks, but im not complaining. At least i have something to engage with mentally

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