Well, what can I do about it? I wish we have Finnish speakers here.
What’s wrong?? Did something happen?
I suppose it is just little depressive thoughts I have when it gets dark so early.
I know what you mean. I have a mood lamp that I used to use during winter time. I borrowed it to my cousin so…
They are fairly cheap now, perhaps you can buy one??
I probably should start using vitamin D supplements. Milk has also vitamin D and I drink quite a lot of milk. When it is this dark season, there is no sun and sunshine, which depresses even more. I have noticed in the past that I have depressive thoughts often at this time of the year, fortunately Xmas is coming and then the day length starts becoming longer, well we have a long winter ahead of us here.
I also tried st John’s wort tea and it helped alot. I’m on paxil these days so I can’t drink it anymore due to interactions. Vitamin D is great, I’m going to buy some.
Look out for a mood lamp. They do work!
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