I think my therapist is

He conforts me.
He tells me the errors of my thinking
He tells me how I should think in my advantage, in a constructive way

Is it enough? I mean what does your therapist does?


I wish I had a therapist.

I’m sorry man 1515

I guess is enough, he can’t do more then I can handle

I found one who is in cognitive therapy, but told me that can’t handle a schizophrenic. So I found another but she is far, in the city. I will try to find one in my area

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You can Skype her

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Maybe, but I prefer face to face sessions.
Your therapist has helped?

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She’s like a supportive friend who focuses most the energy on me rather than both equally like “real” friendships.

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He always make me feel better and not different, also he is telling me to call him if I have a problem. He’s not perfect

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I think that’s for you to decide. Therapy isn’t magical. It won’t cure you. But it should make your life easier and help you make positive changes. Therapy helped me a lot, but I wasn’t very aware of it happening at the time, because it happened slowly. My therapist focused a lot on practical things like helping me manage my daily life. She didn’t use a specific approach.


I’ve been seeing a specialized trauma therapist, and going to group therapy for about a year. I’ve changed a lot since then. I was able to reduce my meds slightly, and I have gotten better at recognizing and labeling my emotions.

Before, I never knew if I was upset about something. I’d just get a stomachache and start shaking, and I thought I was physically sick. I was given lots of homework about checking in with my body, going over the events of my day, and labeling the emotions I thought I might be feeling over them. It was horrible and confusing in the beginning. Now, it’s easier.


I think my therapist is trying to get me to think toward the future so I don’t kill myself. She always has random, but pertinent little topics she wants to educated me about. Like Aces and Ants and schemas and all this sh it that on a good day is interesting. On a bad day I’m thinking why are you talking to me about this I just want to die. But it gets me thinking forward somewhat and I think that’s really her end game.


You don’t need to be weak to see a therapist you just need to be willing to change and be a better version of youself


I have a good therapist now after going through some that didn’t really help me at all. We’re not doing any specific kind of therapy, i just see her and talk once a month. It helps me to talk to someone and know they understand the things i’m dealing with, at least to some degree, even if only academically.

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He is very warm, comforting, caring, and understanding, says it is my sz

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