i cant fight it anymore, i try to deny it that maybe they are just lying or saying it and not meaning it. But now i know im a demon and going to hell. That is all they want me to know. I guess all i can do is hope its not real, maybe it is just schizophrenia. Even though the i think i think its the truth. I just have to accept it and nothing i cant do anything to change it…
What happened when you accepted it? Did the voices ease up?
ya they did, but still not to far away i still hear and feel them
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Ha my voices were helping persuade me that I’m a demon also just about a week ago.
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You’re not evil, there’s likely no hell, and we forgive you for anything you’ve done. Thinking you’re going to hell is one of the worst results of psychosis because of how horrible it makes you feel. I just wish people would realize that you were created as an imperfect being and therefore any mistakes you’ve made can be written off to the fact that you’re not perfect. Nobody expects you to be.
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