the voices wouldnt stop for a while then i realized the only reason they came to me was to tell me im going to hell. They dont want to be my friend, they dont really care, they just wanted to let me know. And when i finally accepted this, the voices stopped. So i came to the conclusion im going hell. Its very hard to be happy in life when you know your end result is going to be going to hell. Ill just do the best i can to ignore it and live my life nothing else i can do…
Maybe the voices are demons lying too you don’t trust them you are probably not going to hell if you follow gods commandments. Or your just crazy
no actually im the demon and they are from heaven, god isnt gonna help me after the bad things i said about him to them…besides im a demon thats why im going to hell
You’re not a demon
according to them i am, they are sure
What makes you a demon? Have you killed somebody or done anything evil? If you are a demon its no problem you will like hell.
I don’t think you are going to hell. The voices lie.
no never hurt anything and in general i pretty much try to be a positive person. But u think they see me in spirit form and i look like a demon. When you look at someone you cant see whats really inside them. But they can see, what we cant see
Your fine then if hell exists your not going there. But its probably all in your head.
You are not the spirit just a vessel according to the bible.
I discussed hell with my voices and they say clearly there is no hell. Hell is created by man for whatever reasons.
Hell and Heaven are just concepts to describe the circumstances in this life. Right here right now.
When i wouldn’t take medication i would understand the voices more clearly. Maybe they are my own thoughts. I describe medication as if you pour a can of coke over a computer.
The voices say why i haven’t killed myself on that night in 1988 when we adviced you. Finally i speak up and ask why didn’t they kill me when they are all so powerful ? Anyway, that was before i got diagnosed. I don’t know what would have happened obeying the voices.
I don’t think it’s likely you’re going to hell anyways, but whatever helps
I doubt you’re going to hell. I had the worst hallucinations when my health was bad. Caffeine and bad diet can affect things. Maybe you need vitamins.
It could be worse. The voices could have told you to commit a major crime in return for their silence. BTW don’t be surprised when they come back. Like @TomCat said the voices are big time liars.
nah dont believe that, you not going to hell. Your not demon its just your mind playing tricks on you, its very common delusion. Dont worry about it. talk to your psychiatrist about your problem she might change your medication or increase it something its not working. wish you luck
I often struck various kinds of “deals” with my schizophrenia characters. My demand was always some kind of peace, be it death or simply absence of voices. Death never arrived. Voices would always re-appear in a few hours at most, despite promising to be tragically gone forever.
There is no entities or intelligence behind the voices. That is your own imagination.
You are not going to hell.