I think I am designed for celibacy

I don’t like it if my bf is attracted to another woman, has feelings for or is in love with another woman.

So yeh…


Can anyone relate?

It’s best for me to keep a 19m distance from anyone I’m getting feelings /or anxiety over because that helps, for instance, they will prefer my younger sister anyway.

So why get attached in a inappropriate way.

Really, celibacy feels like it will be what I need.

Takes time to adjust though.

Because I still have some soft spot for my ex who is a stunning cutie.

I’ll probably be celibate for the rest of my life. I’m not happy about it but I don’t think there’s much I can do about it.


Are you sure your bf actually feels this way or is this maybe something you’re assuming about your bf?


He has been in the past whilst with me (@Moonbeam) (at the very least) so it can happen again.

Also I don’t like it if he finds other women more beautiful than me.

I want to be the most beautiful women for him, and that’s forever.

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Oh god that sounds depressing. I’m so sorry.


Do you think that some of your feelings and concerns are more due to the way you feel about.yourself rather than about your bf?

Your selfies show a pretty young woman. Do you have a different self image than what your selfies show?

I have a small handful of serious physical insecurities when it comes to me being in a romantic relationship with a man. Those physical insecurities are usually not obvious some, never. In the selfies here.

Maybe celibacy is not so bad though, anyway I will open up about this in this year’s professional guidance time. However, I don’t see how they will find a way to change my mind. Tbh. But u never know.


You are being honest. This is what your dealing with internally. I am battling obesity. I am trying to control my diet again. I am trying to exercise again. I have never had a relationship with anyone. I am fine If I die without one.

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Ditto. But I am still on four dating sites. :pray:


100%. Everyone in this world seems motivated by two things: Money and sex. I’m motivated by one thing: money. So yeah, I think going in and out and moaning is overrated. I probably just have a lower drive than other people. Rather than labeling that as a deficiency I see it as being free from enslavement to my impulses. People wreck families all so they can go in and out and moan with a different face in front of them.


Me and my ex are back on.

It’s gonna be a long journey this year to feel more fluent with one another.

How ever, there can be miracles, wen u believe

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