Devoutly going celibate....very happy

I have decided to be celibate. It’s for God. no religion please…only saying why I am doing it.


Why do you think god wants you to do that?

I’m doing it for the same reason. I’m very happy too.

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@everhopeful I am following the will to be Christ like as much as possible. here we go…


Ok. Well good luck with it I guess. I hope it makes you happier.

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@jukebox … good luck with everything.
I hope Angie is on board with your decision.

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Are you breaking up with your girlfriend? :worried:

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I hope you are feeling okay. Angie will be devastated!!!

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@Wave @mermaid1 Angie and I haven’t had sex in years…we don’t anymore…

Yes but don’t you love each other? It’s nice to have a companion.

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@mermaid1 oh yes we love each other very much and will be together until one of us dies.

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Okay good. I translated Celibate from French Celibataire which means single.

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I totally understand why you would do that. Makes sense to me. Our belief system can enrich us in so many ways. Many folks will balk at this but it’s your life and who and how you choose to serve matters not. Best wishes.



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