I think I am being lied to

Where’s the lie though? (By doctors i mean)

You seem to know a lot about Romania, is your husband Romanian?

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Both of us are, lol. I migrated to UK in 2016 and hope to either stay here or migrate somewhere else other than home. Medical services and my illness were part of our decision, to be honest. I needed more help than Romanian medical system could or would provide, and a third psychotic episode, I recognised it, would have put my brain in a worst state than the occasional manic and hypomanic episodes were already doing. So when I figured out this was a long-term illness and I needed lifelong help, I waited to become somewhat stabilised on meds and left the country, hopefully for good. If I was to lose cognitive abilities, I wanted to know and delay it as much as I could, etc. Long story.


you been very helpfull and you seem to know a lot about our medical system. probably you made a good decision migrating

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