I tapered down on my meds without a doctor

I don’t think it’s mania mania because I can calm down and it’s more like a lot of excitement and exaggerated emotions due to my environment

Last time I was in the hospital the doctor said my emotions were that of a 14 year old. Not my intelligence but my emotions

Antipsychotics are used to treat mania.

Yes I know I’m not going off them I just tapered down.

I read somewhere that you only need 1 manic episode to be diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder, even if you don’t get depressed. I may be wrong but I remember reading that somewhere.

I’m going to taper down but with my doctors consent.

Get back on your regular dose immediately and call your doctor.

Rule number 1

Don’t mess with your meds.


i wouldn’t taper down your meds without your pdoc knowing it… but it’s your choice of course

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