Hey guys, here I am

What’s up? I was out of the forum. I needed a break. Well, today I decided that 22 pills daily are too much. I left a message to my pdoc at his secretary, and he will call me later. If he doesn’t help me lower the doses, I will do it myself. And I will see another pdoc


I said “enough”. I cant stand it anymore.

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Hey there, welcome back. I do think you use a very high amount of meds, though i cant judge whether you could do with less. I can imagine your wish to withdraw. Here you can always ask for a second opinion… dont do anything as stupid as i did before though, like going too fast or secretly withdrawing without telling anybody.


No, I am gonna be open and honest with him. Either he will help me taper off or I will do it abruptly myself. I’ve had enough.

Are you coming off all medication or just reduce

Reduce for now.

No no no!

Of he doesnt agree, ask another pdoc to judge the situation and help you slowly taper.

Quitting abruptly just means an ambulance ride to the ward… in my case at least.


Yes, I have heard about rebound psychosis, after quitting abruptly the meds. I won’t do it

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No one takes such amounts of meds.
Maybe I am an extreme and ridiculous case in the history of psychiatry

Good. Im a very very stubborn lady and i tried cold turkeying several times. It was extremely stupid.

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My parents don’t let me quit.
But i think it’s my right to decide if I want all these side effects on my health

Yes, i think your doses are weird. Peoples bodies differ though in their responses…maybe you metabolize them differently and thus need higher doses.

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How old are you?

Maybe I need higher. But not the ridiculously highest ever

29 years old 666!999

Hey Om,

Welcome back dude !!

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Hey walla. What’s up?

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Im happy you going to get a second opinion man.

Your doses were crazy.

Else, get on Clozapine.

Im on it.

Working great and blood tests are so quick and simple.


Then i think it is for you to decide. I would look for a different pdoc for a second opinion though first. Even just to discuss the situation once or twice to ask for advice. I did that when i disagreed.

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I am afraid of clozapine, dude. I don’t know. With the current combo I have no voices, and i feel more normal than ever.

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