I’m schizoaffective and I try to be understanding but my friends paranoid behavior drove me to stop talking to him. Am I wrong for doing this?
No I have a Sz buddy I don’t talk to much for the same reason…when he’s off his meds he triggers the ■■■■ out a me
You could refer you friends with sz/a to this forum. They might find it helpful.
I did and he doesn’t come here
I don’t think you’re wrong for doing this. People stop talking to people all the time for all sorts of reasons.
I lost a friend once when I was highly delusional and paranoid and involved her in it. I don’t blame her.
I reached out to her years later to apologize and we made up.
I had to do the same she started drinking to, it was hard enough with her quitting meds all the time, was draining, still love her, but one can only take so much
I think you probably needed to make that decision, but I would try to not totally burn that bridge. You may find a time in the future when he is better. But you have to take care of yourself and you don’t need
distructive freinds .
You have to look out for Number One sometimes.