I don't really talk to friends who were their before schizophrenia happened. Am I alone or all of you are in similar situation?

I have sz with negative symptoms and I avoid all the friends, relatives since I had schizophrenia. I didn’t make any friends after diadnosis.
Is it a natural thing with all of you? or Is there someone you talk to?


I cut ties with friends when my psychosis started. Not intentionally, I just stopped answering calls and going around.

I still talk to family tho

I only really socialise with 2 people that visit my flat. But they are people i can trust. The others i ditched long ago. I moved town when i became ill anyway.

You can still call them though even if you moved. Do you call them once in a while?

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No i dont have any numbers - i made a clean break for other reasons too.

There was only one time where i bumped into a friend in the pub and we had a drink together, someone said to him and his little brother about my condition (in a dark corner of the bar) it got weird after that and i left. doubt i’ll see anyone else from back then again.

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i don’t talk much with people either… just my mum and dad and sometimes my siblings.

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i have a hard time doing a conversation in real life… i find it hard to think the things i need and then talk also… so i don’t say much really.

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I draw blanks on what to say a lot too. I think I come across as confident, but I’m really not


I did not cut ties with my friends but I admit that, since I have sz, it’s a pain to see my friends.
I only feel good in my appartment or taking a coffee outside with my mom (or visit my bro) but that’s all.
I think people with sz are prone to like being left alone

I made a few friends after schizophrenia, and lost all my friends before it. On a day to day basis the only people there are to call are my family.

No but I would say hi if I ran into them ! Friends change a lot I always have different friends

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I talk to my friends.

I have few, but I keep in good touch with them.


im like you.i live with my mum and everytime I talk i get stuck,I want get out but sometimes even my brother i don’t know how to talk to him.

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A lot of my friends I made in the military have stuck with me. I also have one really close friend who is a former Marine that I met before being diagnosed.

I’m very thankful for all my friends.

I also pretty much stopped talking to friends after sz. Still talk to family though.

Since I got sz I really do not interact with other people other then some family members. I don’t feel confident enough to talk too much because I seem to always get interrupted a lot and I forget what I was saying most of the time.

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