I really need to give up smoking and vaping

The only reason I keep at it is my depression gets the better of me.

Smoking decreases the effectiveness of many psych meds. Something to consider.

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I’m a committed vaper now. Sub ohm. The law is changing European wide this year. All sorts of restrictions on vaping, so don’t know what I’ll do then. Import stuff from the states or China I guess.

yeah lose the nicotine… get a bicycle… easiest way to get in shape…

find some good video games…

work on finding a state of mind where tobacco doesn’t even exist… fall back to it when you can… work at it and it’ll dominate…

these are the things I do… all my friends smoke so I end up smoking still… but I can go without at this point pretty easily…

Friday I didn’t smoke… saturday evening I smoked a few… sunday I didn’t smoke… yesterday night a friend came over and I smoked all night… just “quit” again a couple hours ago… feeling pretty strong about it…

Just going to settle in and play mass effect 3 or oblivion or bioshock… waiting on gears 2 to download

I recommend using an aid to quit smoking, it makes more people successful. I used Nicorette nicotine gum to quit a little over a year ago successfully, I also quit successfully on Wellbutrin. Best of luck quitting!