I realized there is a lot of "luck" in my having sz. TW

first of all, I didn’t get sz until I was 35…sure, I was prodromal from about 33 years old, but I did a lot of living while I was prodromal, …lucky. Second of all, when I was in the deep psychosis of about seven months solid without meds, I tried to commit suicide a couple of times, once by drowning, another I got foiled asking for a razor in the afternoon in the ward. Each time I was saved…mostly because I believed I was talking to Jesus. Anyways, after I recovered and stablized, I wrote a book about my delusional journey over the course of seven months. This was lucky too I think, because there’s no way I could remember such detailed psychosis after a life of ignoring all of it, I’m still haunted by delusional intrusive thoughts, and I do have to control my anxiety by therapy taught discipline. that was lucky too because I don’t need benzos…thank goodness…I’m not knocking you guys that take benzos…I just think they are not really good for me personally. anyways, that is all…sorry for the rant.


I went acute in my 40s. I was in my prodromal stage to a greater or lesser degree from my early 20s. I was undiagnosed and untreated in the acute stage for about 10 years until I was picked up by the police one night. Once anti-psychotics were on the menu for me I started the recovery phase. I feel like I am recovered about as well as I can now. I’ll be 70 in a week. We have a similar story being late onset schizophrenics. Birds of a feather…


I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 30. I was in college at that time. I lost everything I was working on. Life sucks!!!

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I had my first major episode at age 23. But I didn’t get diagnosed by a psychiatrist until I was 34. I ended up losing everything as well: my professional license, my career, my job, my home, my family and my possessions. Everything.

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I’m sorry to hear that. You’re a very strong woman.


Thankyou @TheCanuk .


I have been dealing with mental health issues since i was a teen. Then I had my big break at 27 just at the time of covid errupting. It was a mix of drugs and so much unbearable stress.

Im 31 now. I’m leaps and bounds better mainly just by getting out of a toxic marriage. But i still deal with symptoms. Like im dealing with some depression and seeing signs today. The signs are good though. But still bad in the scheme of things.

Dont see pdoc til november. Also dealing with hypersexuality a lot lately. Suuucks. Trying not to be dumb.

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I had my first psychotic episode at 16. Been struggling to be normal ever since. Im 29 now.

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Me too @SkinnyMe . It was tough but I’m still here and living well these days. The best of everything to you.

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I was “off” as a child. I had early childhood trauma that triggered something but I went undiagnosed for a while because things like that weren’t addressed back then.
I had my first major psychotic break at 19 after being drugged and raped while serving in the Navy and remained undiagnosed until I was 30 after losing my second child and falling into psychosis. I tried to commit suicide a few times and was fortunate enough to have failed.
I finally got treatment and I’m much better now that I’m aware of my condition and know how mitigate things.

That’s cool you were able to recall your experiences and write a book about @jukebox. As tough as it is…


I was a crazy kid. I heard voices now and then early on; I remember when I was seven and heard them. I pretended to be crazy for attention: Steve Martin and Robin Williams were my idols, remember the wild and crazy guys? That was Steve Martin, and Robin Williams had the Mork from Ork show.


I became psychotic as a teen… 16 years old, and went into deep real psychosis at 17.

I am very jealous it came twice later for you.

I also several times saved myself because I honestly believe I have faith in life. A very good destiny… at those moments I almost commited suicide, but something… inside me or my brain stopped me from suicide.

And I trully can say, I really have destiny. I am almost happy. My life truly makes sense now… even not fully, but it does.

And I was lucky that my mother searched for a very good pdoc and never gave up.


Thankyou @Unclehenry. I wish the best for you as well.


I experienced a sudden but different kind of trauma that caused extreme stress that I think caused my major psychotic break when I went acute. Massive stress is a strong trigger.

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