I realize my mental illness is a blessing in disgiuse

Yea i know i suffer from paranioa, anxiety, fear and delusions but im getting paid by the goverment, i get free health insurance, free gym membership, free food, support, im a alot better person than before and i have friends. So i realize its not so bad after all if you think about it. :wink:


I wish I could say the same mine has just been a hinderance


I only got the free health insurance because I have no where to live while I wait for ssdi to process so I have to work and now I make too much.


What do you mean whats wrong do you want to talk about it?

In the country I live in it’s very hard to get free housing and health care and such

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Sorry to hear that, solution cant you go to your local social service to put you in temporary housing like a hotel, thats what i did, they will get a voucher a every week, keep your job while ssdi gets approve, best thing to do is hire a disability lawyer your chances of approval is alot higher, they get paid by the social security so you dont pay anything.


What country do you live in if i dont mind asking?

I would like to keep that private sorry

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I wouldn’t call it a blessing in disguise, I would just say I’m en expert at making the best of bad situations lol, I wonder if anyone else feels the same, but hey good for you to have a positive mind set, that’s a rarity on this forum.


Okay i understand.

Yea thanks 1515

And what if i never get better and i die in loneliness?
In fact, my sz is such, that i realize way too well, that i am sick (maybe its paranoia, but i have my doubts on that)… I cant go outside and start living, cause i am so aware of my sz and i measure every word of mine even :confused:
What if i never get better? but maybe its a blessing for you, its better to see it like that :slight_smile: But me, even the meds dont help, so idk…
sorry, am just tired today of my eternal conflicts, where i feel as a bad person and sh** like that… always alone too…


Seriously im not joking i understand how you feel it sucks having no place to live, find your local social service they glad to help you get temp housing, its their job, thats what they get paid for, i highly reccomend to follow my advice and also hire a disability lawyer. Sitting around doing nothing gets you nowhere thats what i learn in life, if you want something you must take action no matter how you feel its always worth it good luck. :smiley:


I have a house just meant I have to work enough to afford it and Social security thinks I make too much now. I have a lawyer. I’m thinking about reducing my hours and getting a roommate

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O okay, i thought you were homeless. Nevermind sorry for lecture my bad. :sweat_smile:

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am sorry for my message, me too i try to become a better person, i know what you mean… But i am in loneliness here again as for the last 20 years…

I understand you must try your best to see the light, yes i know schizophrenia sucks, loniness sucks. Dont let that stop you from you want in life. Sometimes it feels hopeless, schizophrenia does that to you but in reality there tons of hope. Trust you will have better days coming this wont last forever. :grinning:

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Ok, but should i continue fighting alone as i do it now, if the meds never helped me? Ive tried them, for 10 years… What you do when meds dont work?
Ok, yeah, things can get better… but i’ll never forget how alone i was for 2 decades…

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Oh no, I don’t see it as a blessing.
It basically destroyed my dreams.


Yes that was the past but your chatting with me so your not alone anymore, you have people here you can talk to about your issues and problems your facing we understand your never alone so dont we have people here who are knowledgable about medication seems your current medication is obviously not working for your bodies chemistry you must keep trying to find the right medication that works for your bodies chemistry thats all, thats what i did. So dont worry anymore okay.