I quit the only dating app on my phone with some hope

Now I am totally screwed.

They sent me a notification saying someone reported me for ‘harassment’ and they would ‘ban me’ if I did it again

I quit it and had a go saying that this is something I would never do, and that’s it I am done

Apart from paying for dating I am unsure what I can do now

Not like i’ll ever meet someone just staying indoors all the time


Yeah it’s a tough market but paying for the dating services seems to work for some level from what my family and friends have done.

You know my recommendations by now. Get into some sort of club or something but that bloody covid has ruined that sort of thing for most…

Get settled. Try the pay thing but be settled.

It’s better without, my life is better without. I don’t know about you.

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What did you do man? lol

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I’ve given up even trying, whenever I tell a woman I have schizophrenia they always lose interest, I don’t feel like dealing with any more rejection, it eats away at you.

I could lie and not tell them but I refuse to lie. If I met a woman that had something wrong with her I would expect her to tell me early on before things got serious, anything else is emotional manipulation and I can’t stand women that do that or play games.

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I agree with you that it has to be told early on. Maybe on the third or fourth date for me personally. But I would try to tell it in a way that it isn’t debilitating in my life at the moment. And I would say that I had a mental disease instead of using the word schizophrenia.

For people who don’t know about sz, it sounds like just about the worst mental disease one can have. I don’t think very many people realize that it’s possible to function very normal when medicated. It’s not sugarcoating it, it’s just trying to say it in a way that gives me the chance to prove that a diagnosis doesen’t tell the whole picture at all.

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Damn I messed up telling after the first date. Before the second date. Then she never wanted to see me again. It’s an unfair handicap. We deserved better.

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It might not matter when you tell it to everybody. But at least you get a chance to show who you really are before disclosing the big fact if you put it off for a little while.

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If i were to go actively looking for a man or woman - i would never use a dating app. Period. There are unreasonably high expectations - and therefore, there is the capacity to exaggerate or all out lie.

What happened to the old fashioned methods of going to a bar on a friday night?

Sorry no way. Quite often - you will find a man or woman - when your stop trying so hard, and stop looking. Cos you may not think it - but your probably coming across as desparate.

Yeah I’d say the gift of jab goes farther than anything. Just being social with strangers, talking. Ive experienced it lately. If I keep it up, being more social naturally. For example had ten minute convo with cool guy in my neighborhood yesterday. Was social the day before too at the store but manic. But still it made me fear less bad consequences of small talk. This is the key. Although sitting home all day, being social, if it’s just on dating apps. Never gonna get you anything. But talking in public. It took 31 years for me to finally feel right with myself with small talk but now I def do got the ability to do it.

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I hear what your saying. If you can talk all night long and keep the person interested, you are probably on a higher footing than i will ever be.

But the nicest most caring men, ive met in brighton down the road - were the ones that didnt flaunt it and sat quietly in the corner.

Those that selfie every 5 minutes - and then use some dumb filter on the photo - are an utter turn off for me.

(Sorry i will shut up - i seem to have gone off on one lol :laughing:

I’ve used dating websites a couple times, the dates went okay but nothing came of it, but that was a long time ago. I actually liked it better than a bar. People can lie in either instance. I don’t think where you meet them matters, it’s the person they are.

I don’t think that is my problem. I don’t try too hard because I very rarely hit on women out of the blue. I’m always hearing woman complain about being hit on and then calling men pigs or complaining about sexual harassment and I don’t feel like dealing with that.

I always let women hit on me first, they usually give me a look or you can tell by their body language, like they get close to you, and then you know it’s okay to go talk to her. Women will let you know if they are interested, you just have to know how to pick up the signs, I’ve met some very aggressive women but most of the time the signs are subtle.

It doesn’t matter though, as I said they reject me after I tell them I have schizophrenia so even when women hit on me I’ve started to ignore them, I’m sick and tired of getting rejected over and over again, sometimes I can see the rejection in their face and they even get angry and occasionally make negative comments, I know how rejection feels so I feel bad rejecting them but not as bad as I feel being rejected as many times as I have over something I have no control over.

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Nice guys finish first??

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All valid points mate. Im just telling it from my point of view.

I dont know - The ones i have met just seem to be FAKE. I know a few on here have made successful relationships out of dating sites - but for me personally it just dont meet my persona.

The schizophrenia one is hard. I always tell them at the beginning. And yes - ive literally had some girls close the door and tell me to get out from ignorant fear.

But thats my choice. Im sure it would have been different if i let them get to know me first.

I must say - you have a better outlook on finding a partner than i ever will. But then its simply not that high on my list of prioritys anymore.

I wish you the best of luck.

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Haha - dont you mean LAST? :laughing:

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Yes I was being facetious :wink:

Thought u were saying something about these quiet nice guys being successful, but it’s not so. I do believe nice guys finish last but it doesn’t mean you have to be MEAN. Just a little edgy I guess.


i know 15151515

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Facetious was the right word. Superior to sarcastic in this context. For reasons I am not sure of lol.

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I think in the work place women want to be treated equally and with respect and that is fine.

But in relationships I think they like a little bit of playful dominance. You’re right you don’t have to be mean, you can even be nice some of the time and get along fine, but if you’re primarily a nice guy all the time and come across as weak and boring you’ll go nowhere with most women.

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Security is important too

If I said

“HEY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME??? I’m not weak , boring and sensitive. You big meany!!” Right here , it probably wouldn’t work out with anyone :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: