Dating attitude

I was thinking that people ignorant about schizophrenia if they hear that you’ve got schizophrenia they think schizophrenia means you are not dateable

I have Schizophrenia and I don’t think I am dateable either.

Kinda hits the confidence a little bit.


I know I’ve got a baggage but I still feel I could bring something good to the table. So why not try?


I will never date again, gave that up. To me it’s dangerous.

Don’t tell them til they’ve spent the first couple dates realizing how normal you act.


Why is it dangerous? Picking up an std?

For you and others it may be fine but for me my illness and past heartbreaks just leave a bad taste for me. It’s distressing plus I get paranoid and think they will do something nasty to me. Like they hate you but date you and it all ends with me feeling awful and anxious. Sorry, but that’s just my experiences. For someone else maybe be great.

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Plus I’m pretty excited about being alone for the rest of my days. It will be peaceful :sparkling_heart::grin:

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In my past experience when ive told a partner about my sz they’d say things like “you’re normal for a schizophrenic” or talk about their encounters with another schizophrenic who was violent (like i asked). The whole time i was with them i was always compared with someone worse off or expected to turn on them for some reason. So yeah i dont date anymore, people suck

Yeah we all have baggage. You get to my age, 48 , and everyone has a story.

Having schizophrenia didn’t stop me from meeting someone and getting married. It didn’t work out but that was more her baggage than mine. You never say never!

It’s always good to try but you never write yourself off. Romance happens most when you expect it least. You just need to be open to accept this and move forward.


truth is that we are at a disadvantage bc we have problems and don’t have any prospects

its not our fault its just how the cards have landed :confused:

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