I never had voices,schizophrenia?

It’s been long but my latest diagnosis is schizo,psychosis.I have never have voices…but I think my perception,thinking might be troubled which is why the psy gave me this diagnosis…I have mood swing too.Anyone never heard voices but got this diagnosis?

You can have SZ without hallucinations. You can have delusions or just negative and cognitive symptoms.

I have only negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms mainly reducing working memory. If I think of something or do something all other thoughts vanish from mind. Its very hard to hold thoughts or information in mind when doing something.

Also have OCD mainly due to this reducing working memory. If do one activity or think about something mind goes blank for every other thought, urge etc. So if some distraction come then that distraction disrupts the main activity and need to restart, redo and appear like OCD compulsion. Due to this uncertainty comes if I did it correctly and get urge to redo. False thoughts appear real due to this inattention spells.


I didn’t hear any voices for years and in spite of that had a diagnosis of sza. The mumbling voices didn’t come until later.


Diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. Never heard voices. I’ve had more than my share of delusions and paranoia though.


I thought I didn’t have voices because for the longest time I experienced them as loud “intrusive” thoughts. I thought I had severe OCD, not schizophrenia. So when I started hearing them outside of my head, it threw me for a loop. I thought it was odd that it just happened all of a sudden because as far as I know, OCD doesn’t develop into psychosis. It resulted in a delusion that I had entities in my head and that they were escaping. But anyway, just be careful because you may still have voices even if they seem like there coming from inside your head. If they’re talking to each other or about you then those are voices.

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Im exactly the same. Never had voices or hallucinations but had delusions, some paranoia and cognitive issues.

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Not hearing voices is probably the reason why I am always on denial that I needed meds.A few psychiatrist already told me I need meds and my diagnosis was psychosis or schiz.I am such a disobedient kid :frowning:

If I had followed the doctor advise and accept that this is the way it is,I might be doing a lot better.

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I think that’s the case for most of us. One of my earliest diagnoses was psychotic depression when I was in the hospital for the first time at 14, and instead of just taking the meds they gave me, I decided that I knew more than the psychiatrist and had OCD and Asperger’s syndrome. I sometimes wonder how my life would’ve turned out had I just taken the meds as prescribed. Don’t make that mistake because mine cost me half of my childhood, and looking back, I think that OCD/AS thing was the most insidious delusion I ever had.

I use to be schzioaffective now paranoid and borderline personality. I don’t hear voices per say but like a voice like it’s my thoughts telling me what people are saying about me if that makes sense

I also thought I had autism and started to self medicate with various supplements like lithium.
I was 16. I was diagnosed with SZ at 21 after I tried to kill myself to end God’s voices.

I have never experienced any of the postive symptoms of schizophrenia either. Voices, hallucinations, paranoia, or extreme delusions. I would say that 99% of the time I would tend to disagree with my diagnosis. Like you I suspect I more than likely have autism and not schizophrenia. I’ve experienced depression and anxiety, but schizophrenia? I think not.

I’ve experienced gas lighting, it’s a form of abuse and leads us to question our own sanity. Don’t ever question your own ability to think for yourself.

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I don’t often hear voices, but when I do it’s realistic things like hearing my family talk to each other. It’s only later when I mention the conversation to them that they’re befuddled and don’t know what I am talking about because they were in different rooms from each other.

My voices are quiet mild and familiar to me.

Yeah, I understand that but in my case, I was out of my mind. I had intrusive thoughts talking to me and telling me things. I thought God himself was talking to me in my head giving me intelligence and telling me the answers to test questions in school. I thought I was chosen and that when the world changed tint it was God coming to get me and that I just had to be patient and perfectly still. I routinely woke up thinking I had been transferred to heaven, walking around my house thinking I was alone and that my family had been raptured. I used to believe I would go to a land filled with magic or that the Doctor would choose me as his companion and I’d be free. I believed that I could go to Neverland if I wished hard enough.

With the exception of the intrusive thoughts, which were nearly constant, these symptoms happened in bursts because I was developing schizophrenia and needed medication.

What are your symptoms? You say you’ve never had a positive symptom. What was it the made your doctor think you had schizophrenia?

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I envy you guys, my voices are tearing me to shreds tonight.

according to the records my doctor provided me at my last visit. The reason for my diagnosis was because I had paranoia that my family was out to get me and that I was also being poisoned by medication.

Now let me clarify. Was my family out to get me? long story short, yes. My mother has been micro managing me my whole life. My older siblings have their own selfish interests at heart and would rather keep me silenced as to not cause a disturbance in their lives. I did not believe my family was poisoning me as the records indicate. That was a false claim made to get me admitted into the hospital. My diagnosis is just simply schizophrenia. I was a young teenager with depression and anxiety in school at the time.

I feel like medication should be a last resort for angry outbursts because they can stem from depression and circumstantial matters, which if looked into why I was having angry outbursts I feel I would not have been diagnosed with this illness. I simply was struggling with my family conflicts and manipulation from my mother and siblings.

to sum up, I have never had visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, delusions, or extreme paranoia that was not rooted in reality.

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Do I struggle with depression? yes. Do I struggle with anxiety? yes. But schizophrenia? I think not. I only continue to take my medication to allow myself to collect disability. I have plans for my future to turn the tables so to speak in favor of moving forward with the way I want to live my own life and not by my mother’s or siblings rules.

So they didn’t even look into your claims before assuming you were paranoid? Sounds like you need a new doctor to me. I don’t know if you have sz or not, but a second opinion never hurt anybody. Are the meds helping anything, at least?

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