Is there anyone diagnosed with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective that doesn’t Hear Voices?
It seems that hearing Voices is a common occurrence/symptom with those diagnosed with Schizophrenia/SZA.
I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective but I don’t hear Voices at all.
I really only Hallucinate when on a certain Med that triggers Hallucinations.
I don’t hear voices for yearsss. I have heard voices though when I was like 20. 100s of voices all at once coming from every direction. I do have visual disturbances though. I’m sza. I think it’s more common to not hear voices than you think.
Sometimes I believe god made me hear voices back then because I would’ve never believed I was sza/sz if not for it. And would have never strove for recovery as hard as I did. If you know what I mean?
I think paranoia is the root of my illness. It’s the first to happen when I went off meds. And although I didn’t recognize it till just now, I remember being really paranoid all through college. Although the delusions are more persistent. I still sometimes have delusions pop up even on meds. No paranoia anymore though. Sz and sza are such complex illnesses. So many symptoms!!
I’m doing very well on meds as far as the positive symptoms is concerned. I do get breakthrough symptoms especially when I get stressed out. Fortunately I have some insight so most of the time I know when it is time to go and see my psychiatrist. I fear being delusional and paranoid because it comes with so much emotional agony.
I don’t believe I hear voices. At least not like some others with SZ/SZA do. So I would say “no.” I was diagnosed for other reasons, mainly being cognitive. Or lack of certain cognitive functioning. Low working memory. Alogia. Poverty of thought and speech. Those sorts of things. Negative symptoms.
Sometimes, I wonder that difficulty thinking or having lack of thought processes or consciousness level is abnormal to a point that when I do think a train of thought it is generated in atypical ways and so could be considered hearing a single narrative voice and so is not based on normal functioning and so not being part of normal reality makes it like hearing a voice. To think when others don’t think, and to not think when others think. But that’s just speculation. I think.