Anyone diagnosed with SZ/SZA and not hear Voices?

Is there anyone diagnosed with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective that doesn’t Hear Voices?
It seems that hearing Voices is a common occurrence/symptom with those diagnosed with Schizophrenia/SZA.

I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective but I don’t hear Voices at all.
I really only Hallucinate when on a certain Med that triggers Hallucinations.

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I don’t hear voices for yearsss. I have heard voices though when I was like 20. 100s of voices all at once coming from every direction. I do have visual disturbances though. I’m sza. I think it’s more common to not hear voices than you think.


I’m sza, and I only hallucinate if I’m fully psychotic.

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Sometimes I believe god made me hear voices back then because I would’ve never believed I was sza/sz if not for it. And would have never strove for recovery as hard as I did. If you know what I mean?

Then again I believe in God.


Yeah I know what you mean @chew
I’m glad that you went down the recovery road

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I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia because of my delusions and paranoia. I don’t hear voices.

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Yeah I have plenty of Paranoia and Delusions @anon18305065.

I think paranoia is the root of my illness. It’s the first to happen when I went off meds. And although I didn’t recognize it till just now, I remember being really paranoid all through college. Although the delusions are more persistent. I still sometimes have delusions pop up even on meds. No paranoia anymore though. Sz and sza are such complex illnesses. So many symptoms!!

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I’m doing very well on meds as far as the positive symptoms is concerned. I do get breakthrough symptoms especially when I get stressed out. Fortunately I have some insight so most of the time I know when it is time to go and see my psychiatrist. I fear being delusional and paranoid because it comes with so much emotional agony.

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I wish you all the Best @anon18305065!
Happy Holidays! :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t believe I hear voices. At least not like some others with SZ/SZA do. So I would say “no.” I was diagnosed for other reasons, mainly being cognitive. Or lack of certain cognitive functioning. Low working memory. Alogia. Poverty of thought and speech. Those sorts of things. Negative symptoms.

Sometimes, I wonder that difficulty thinking or having lack of thought processes or consciousness level is abnormal to a point that when I do think a train of thought it is generated in atypical ways and so could be considered hearing a single narrative voice and so is not based on normal functioning and so not being part of normal reality makes it like hearing a voice. To think when others don’t think, and to not think when others think. But that’s just speculation. I think.

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I don’t hear voices but more a strong energy that accuses me of things and makes me do dumb things.

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Same to you man. Enjoy the season. I’ll be with my brother and father tomorrow on X-mas evening…it will be nice to be together.