Have people tell me I am going to die soon. What can I do about this. I find this really disturbing. I am not suicidal, I don’t want to die. They put intrusive thoughts/images in my mind. I want to go out but feel uncomfortable around people. They are always watching, judging me and threatening me.
I experience this, too. The only thing that helps is the medication. Talk to your pdoc about what’s going on and see if they can help you. Good luck.
Hi @disciple, can you describe what you go through? And how you cope. Thanks
I feel like the government is putting thoughts into my head. Sometimes it’s suicidal thoughts, other times just random crap. They also make me think they’re gonna send me to prison. I take meds and it helps but it doesn’t go completely away. The biggest thing i do to handle it is try to distract myself. I spend a lot of time online and listening to music to distract myself.
Sorry you go through this, I have people( not sure who these people are but not good company) telling me I am dying soon because of my intrusive thoughts.
I highly doubt you’re dying soon. It is most likely the sz making you think this. Are these people you can see or are they voices you hear telling you this?
Both 151515char
Well i wouldn’t pay them any attention. Nobody knows when you’re going to die. Are you taking meds for this?
Yes I am thanks.
It sounds like you may need an adjustment to your meds. Do you see your pdoc soon? If not, you might want to contact them and see if they can work you in sooner.
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