Please help me survive until Tuesday

Having people harass me saying that they are going to kill me, please what can I do to survive, what if they are after me?

You will be OK.

Most likely they are not after you

No worries

What makes u think they’d be after u

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They tell me every morning :disappointed_relieved:

Don’t worry they’re not actually after you. I know it’s hard to believe but my voices told me loads of things that never actually happened

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make an appiontment with pdoc sooner than later maby they can do somethig with the meds

They are pretty bad people I hope they are not knowing personal information about me.

I don’t think they do if you are talking about the voices

You’ll be fine

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Ok but I have to look for a new pdoc. My beloved doctor passed away.

definitely look then you need a doc on call who can help

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