I don't think I will make it

I don’t think I will make it someone is messing with my mind the President wants to kill me, And I am scared, I don’t want these thoughts. Pls. help been pretty abused by these people. Someone is in my body. Pls. help!

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I don’t have anyone I can turn to pls.help, I would rather kill myself then think these things.

You need to contact your psychiatrist or mental health nurse and have a talk with them.

Nobody can control your body. Nobody can transmit thoughts to you, nor read yours.
If you believe these things, you need to have your medicines adjusted.
Please seek help.

I am scared I don’t want to die, Someone is going to call me names and murder me.

I want to not think these thoughts please help! People hate me and are watching me. I need to be left alone.

Then go to your psychiatrist, tell them everything you’ve told us about feeling like people are watching you, like they want you dead, and all that stuff, and ask them for either more medications or other medicactions.

You have to fight to get better, it doesn’t just happen on its own

Someone is watching me and people are putting perverted thoughts in my mind I would rather stay somewhere where I am not thinking these thoughts. I fear I am dead soon.

I had a rough night last night. And my mind felt it was poisoned. I had someone saying that they were going to kill me, I am scared. I don’t what to tell my pdoc. I don’t want to die.

You have to tell your pdoc. You have to ask for help. This won’t go away on its own.
NO one is going to hurt you, it’s just your schizophrenia messing with you and deep down you know that.

Make a choice to do everything in your power to get better. Call that pdoc before you completely lose your mind.

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I fear I am not going to make it, should I visit my mom and dad? I don’t want to die.

I have lost my mind. I will try to talk to him. God please help me.

be still and know that he is G-d.

thanks @gobeyond

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