My world revolves around me. Around my intrusive thoughts, my depression and my anxiety. It’s not all about me.
I’m the same …
We live in a world where our illness consumes us
A lot of us turn inward.
I tell my psychologist pretty much the same thing that I’m so self absorbed. He basically said it’s normal when you’re struggling
This is true. When you have to fight a tough battle just to get through the day, it’s hard to have the energy to take an interest in and engage with the rest of the world.
@loke, do you feel that your self-focus is exacerbating your symptoms? For example, when I was struggling, I perceived people around me as hostile. If people were whispering, it was probably about me. If I was unexpectedly left behind for a lunch outing, it was so everyone could talk about me. This kind of self-focus really added to my distress and spiked my paranoia.
@Rhubot. I don’t know the answer to that. I know that when I’m busy helping my dad on the farm I feel better but at the same time I don’t have the motivation to work even though my dad helps me a lot
If that makes sense. I guess you could say it exacerbates my symptoms
AA says most people struggle with being self-centered , addict or non-addict/alcoholic.
When I was very sick with sza symptoms, and it went on for many years, I was very self centered as well. I couldn’t help it. I was consumed by my suffering. It’s all I could think of or talk about.
I understand. I talk to my dad about it. We’re the only two living on this farm.
I believe you. When I made good money I was big on giving $ to charity. I gave a lot but I was still self-centered
So was I and I still am.
Well, a part of you still wanted to help other people. If you felt good about doing it, there’s nothing wrong with that.
I work as a janitor in an Army Reserve office building. In the whole building there’s around 60 soldiers on any given day.
90% of the time I work alone and probably the same goes for my other co-workers on our little crew.
So I punch in three days a week and the boss tells me what to do and then I’m off by myself the rest of the day in all parts of the building. I do get self-centered daydreaming and thinking of my problems. I don’t even realize that I’m self-centered most of the time but occasionally I will walk in one of the soldiers office to vacuum or empty trash and it hits and I’ll tell them, “Sometimes I forget I am not the most important person in the building.” It usually draws a laugh.
And I vow to think more about other people but instead I walk out of there thinking how clever, funny and cool I am.
Uncle Sam must agree because he put all those soldiers in my office building just to laugh at my jokes and he is constantly moving my audience in and out and giving me new soldiers to appreciate me.
Me too. I struggle to engage with the world in a way that is helpful
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