I need help

i suffer from chronic insomnia.i need a drug to make me stay asleep.i tried several drugs which didnt work for me.for example

Have u tried Zopiclone ?

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i tried eszoplecoine amd it kept me asleep but i suffered from memory impairment also it should not taken more than 2 weeks so i discontinued it

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My doctor just prescribed me Belsomra but I’m afraid to take it cuz it has a warning if a person has depression, suicidal ideation, or mental illness. It’s supposed to work really well, but i got a little worried reading the reviews. So i called my doctor to see if we can do something else. At least my primary care doc is open to trying things…my mental health clinic won’t do a damn thing and are useless. They won’t prescribe anything stronger than trazadone, which is a lot like throwing Skittles at the insomnia!

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