If all these people are thinking of me and trying to read my mind and hanging on my every action.
Unfortunately, it takes all my neighbors trying to destroy me that makes me realize I’m like anybody else.
If all these people are thinking of me and trying to read my mind and hanging on my every action.
Unfortunately, it takes all my neighbors trying to destroy me that makes me realize I’m like anybody else.
Im in a state right now after waking where I’m the focus of some attention. I would love to live in my own head or get less attention. It’s not bad, just frustrating that other people have this “power” that I don’t and push it on me.
A lot of people are acting. Acting like they have all the answers or something. Or hogging all the attention. Sometimes I think the general public are just a bunch of attention prostitutes ( can’t use the word I want).
I think a lot of that comes from social media and everyone suddenly having a platform. There’s a lot of self-importance floating around in our society and I think it has to do with celebrity culture and the Everyman suddenly having the possibility to be famous too.
Not saying all social media is bad, but it’s pretty bad.
But yea, I also don’t think you’re super important to other people, including your neighbors. You’re probably just “that one guy” to them. Don’t sweat it.
Well you know people cant read minds so youll be alright. Your just as important as me, were not important lol.
I say have yourself a coca cola and enjoy the evening
Yeah everyone wants 15 seconds of fame lol.
Hawktuah lol
I feel like that. The attention the general public seeks. Loud cars, loud people. It’s funny to think, now that I have schizophrenia, that people are still operating like that. They want to stand out or get attention. It’s insanity though I mainly think it’s younger people. Yeah my view of the general public is pretty bad. I live in the hood too so there’s a lot of chest pumping bravado crap imo. I may be reading the situation wrong, but damn it seems like we would have evolved past all that and prefer peace and serenity.
Yeah, I don’t think I’m anybody special. Maybe to my sister or my stepparents. I don’t want a lot of attention, but just a little, lol.
They can’t do that and you don’t know if they are thinking about you.
I don’t think your neighbors want to do that.
Have you been taking your meds?
People know sometimes that I’m thinking of them. So wouldn’t it be logical that I can tell sometimes that people are thinking of me? Maybe they don’t know they are destroying me but I’m the scapegoat of the whole building. And it’s in their best interest to keep me like that. If I get a little attention or act a little tough I think they are getting their just desserts.
Done, lol.
How do you know that?
This mind reading game looks bad on you, you have an illness. Guessing that people are thinking about you isn’t exactly logical.
Have you done something that gave you a bad reputation?
What interests? Why??
It would take too long to explain my 8 year history at this apartment and what I’ve been through.
Be careful though @77nick77, not to overtly confront any of your neighbors. You don’t want to risk getting kicked out of your apartment.
Yep, you’re right. I made that mistake on the past and I don’t need to repeat it.
Ok, I understand. My neighbors hate me for what I have done. Rumors spread and they want me to move. But I’m not going to do that.
Just don’t do something stupid.
And take your meds if you haven’t.