I miss working

I miss having a job. I have not had a job for around 10 years. Do you miss having a job, and how long has it been since you worked?


I haven’t worked paid for around twenty years
I miss working if I had my way I’d work full time and come off benefits keeping busy is good. I did five years voluntary work and I miss that but now I can’t do that.


I haven’t worked in 3.5 years.

I am learning to take care of myself and cooking is something I think helps me get through the day. I been baking a lot and challenging myself slowly.


I’m working right now, but not enjoying it. Want my job? It comes with a bunch of massive tools also known as customers.


I miss working. My last job was in 2010, I think. I miss making a bit more money. These days disability will claw back what I get if I make over $1000 a month at a job. I don’t think I could hold one at this point.

I’ve done a few volunteer jobs over the years. I’ve got a routine going again for my hobbies. This is my second day into the routine. Hopefully, my New Year’s resolutions will help me start many good habits. :slight_smile: This year will be good if I have to shake all the goodness out of it!


I havent worked for roughly 7 years

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At the same time some people hate their jobs but they have to make money to survive at least we are not stuck in a job we hate and can find other things to do with our time


True. I hear 60% of the population is unhappy with their job. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I havent worked since May. I want to find a job in summer 2024.


I wouldn’t mind a little easy part time job like working at a donut shop or something lol.

Idk though, my negatives suck. Somedays I sleep in super late. It’s kind of sporadic really.


I also miss working. Im enjoying my studies and hopefully will get employed by the place im studying at.


Would the group home take you to a volunteer job once per week or could your dad take you?


I can’t handle a job right now or a volunteer position. Thank you for asking.

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That’s ok @Jake . I’m not able to right now either.

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I don’t and haven’t for twenty years plus now.

I had problems that made me do bottom level jobs for years of my life before diagnosis at 29.

I changed jobs a lot even though I was a good worker but I just didn’t know anything about sz and paranoia so my work history prevented me from even getting beyond minimum levels.

It was tough as I was unskilled labor so I worked my ass off for shite money but still maintained my life…

It’s not a bad thing when your sz to be on benefits especially if you have family support. The average person doesn’t deal with what we deal with daily so your really paddling uphill for that one.


I haven’t worked in since 2008. Sometimes I wish I could go back to work but I have wicked paranoia.

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I romanticize having a job…. Sigh.

I miss it but I’m sure once I got one I would be sick of it quick.

It’s a nice thought though.

Oh and I haven’t worked since like 2020


Yep you forget how boring and aggravating it is.


I haven’t worked a paid job in 26 years. I’ve been volunteering for very many years though.

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I miss working. I wish I could right now. I need to be able to help my father