I may have OCD

Working with my pdoc right now to see if I fit for this dx. I’m starting to think my intrusive thoughts are due to OCD and thankfully therapy is helping a lot.

I had a therapy appt today and she told me my intrusive thoughts are backed up with self hatred. We’re working on decreasing them but if it’s OCD i might need more meds or other ways of therapy.


I have OCD. It’s admittedly awful when it and the bipolar decide to go out for girls’ night. Otherwise, I don’t think about it much. Little day-to-day things- having to rinse my mouth a certain number of times after brushing my teeth, getting stuck on letters (that’s a weird one, and I do it in my head), etc aren’t tough to deal with. Those intrusive thoughts, though- they do suck!


I have OCD along with my schizoeffective diagnosis. I have violent intrusive thoughts which can be very upsetting. When both disorders get too gether all hell breaks loose. OCD is not a fun disorder, it attacks what and who you love in your mind. If i could choose between the schizoeffective and OCD i would pick the schizoeffective.


Your dog looks spooky. I like your avatar picture!

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Intrusive thoughts are very upsetting. Add the o and c and it is exhausting. Right now half the time I struggle to reach for my front door handle because of the intrusive thought that I will find my daughter hanging there. My doctor told me I am terrified she will die of an od and that is what’s behind this. I try to reckon with it, but I still get the thought when I reach for the door handle. Makes me jerk my hand away. I hate ocd and it’s terrible manifestations. People think it’s cute because everything in my house matches.


My house is usually a mess even with OCD. Things are much harder to do when you know you’ll have OCD to fight through. Easier to just do nothing than deal with it.


Thanks, it’s actually my son’s dog.

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Wow! I had no idea that’s what OCD is like

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Yeah, completely get this. I permenantly avoid going in the kitchen because it means I’ve got to rearrange so much (I don’t live alone which means almost every object moves multiple times per day) and I honestly have no energy for it anymore. Also doesn’t help when people watch me doing the rituals, which just makes the anxiety and intrusive thoughts pretty overwhelming. Mix that with a bipolar episode and the avolition often gets worse as well, not to mention the anxiety and frustration! What a fun world we live in haha

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@Mars @Natron @Jonathan2 @Leaf @Calm excited to begin therapy and start dealing with this if it’s OCD.


Sounds good - hope the therapy is helpful regarding the OCD symptoms! I’m supposed to be getting therapy and medication for OCD. Looking into private therapy options now as the NHS has such a long waiting list that my doctor’s refusing to even put me on it… xD

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