I’m tired of people

My tired of people that are full of ■■■■, i’m Tired of those that say they are your friends but are never there for you when you need them the most. I’m tired of being nice and trying to be the better person when people are only rude a disrespectful to you.

I’m really just tired.


Dont stop being yourself. Karma has a funny way of biting people in the ass.


Amen to that. It’s a confusing world. And no one gets out alive.


I have little to no support in my struggle. No real friends, at least not that I could talk to about this. My parents simply don’t care, a d think I’m whining on the rare occasion I complain to them that my internal world is ■■■■■■ terrible. They are totally callous.

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Those people are only taking advantage of you for some reason. Don’t give them the opportunity to.

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Thanks y’all I’m trying really hard to figure things out and how I’m going to handle these people with out my temper escalating to violence. Any advice on that?

Yea I’m tired too.

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Hey @KingKazuma how you been?

I hear ya. It’s when you put in so much effort for people but you get zip in return. I had two fair weather friends. I kicked them both to the curb and haven’t looked back. I find I deal with symptoms better if I reduce the negative people in my life.

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I’m tired of people who tell me they love me and then look away and ignore me when I am ill or do not reach out to help, coldly leaving me to suffer in silence.


Ok. I guess I’m finding a job even though i don’t want to deal with people.

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I only socialise with family. I have no friends and don’t want any after being deserted by them when I was really ill

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Nice and I get it not wanting to work to deal with ppl can you get a job at a warehouse or something that doesn’t deal with customer service?

Cats are the best people. But until we can commune only with them we gotta just Keep on keeping on.

You’ll get there fellow jazz fan. There are our people out there.

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we all get tired now and again :slight_smile:

don’t let it get you down, try and talk to your doctor about this, its better to get it off of your chest, its not good bottling it all up,

take care

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