Yesterday I was having mixed episodes and feeling paranoid.
Today I’m still having mixed states.
I feel excited and exuberant but at the same time I’m feeling down and depressed, crying.
I’ll see if I get any better on my own.
I really don’t want to contact my doctor.
I don’t want more meds.
I know the feeling of not wanting to call your pdoc and having to take more meds, but I really think you should call. You don’t want things to get out of hand, or escalate to the point you no longer have insight
Sometimes it’s just a case of hunkering down until the storm passes.
But maybe you can set a target of what circumstances you will agree to see your doctor. Like, if it carries on or gets worse how will you know when it is time to get some help?
Speaking entirely from experience, it’s better to tackle this sort of thing voluntarily, as an outpatient, than to wait and have to go inpatient involuntarily
Thanks @anon2818416 and @Ribbon
Knowing my doctor she’ll just tell me to hunker down until it passes.
I’m an Ultra Rapid Cycler so I don’t remain in a certain mood state for long.
It’s been 2 days, if there’s a third day or if I get worse I’ll call her.
Okay good, I’m glad you have a plan in place
Thanks friend 155
You’re very welcome! Hugs
Hope you feel better soon @Wave ! I’m a rapid cycler too and I know how tiring it can be. Hugs
Why thank you @Hadeda
I seemed to have settled down a bit for now.
Hopefully no more cycling for today.
I’m so sorry you’re an “ultra rapid cycler” @Wave. That must be hell. I can’t tell what kind of cycler I am. Sometimes it’s minutes and sometimes it’s many years so who knows?
Thanks @SkinnyMe
I’m sorry that you are a Cycler too.
Thankyou @Wave . I’ll pray for us both.
I cycle pretty rapidly, too, but I don’t know if it’s “ultra rapid” or less / other. But anyway, I’m glad you have a plan. I was in a mixed episode, last week, constantly switching from mixed-mostly-manic to mixed-mostly-depressed. It was a nightmare.
I almost went inpatient, but my pdoc recommended a big increase in Seroquel, and that broke the mixed episode!!
I think you should definitely contact your doctor sooner rather than later. They may be able to help you without you having to go inpatient.
I wish you the best. Do nice things for yourself to destress and relax. And remember you’ve got the forum peeps here to support you, too.
Thanks @Blossom Im glad you are doing better now.
Yeah I’m still cycling but I’m going to see if I cycle tomorrow.
If I’m cycling tomorrow I’m going to contact her immediately, in the meantime I’ll take my PRN Klonopin.
Thanks, @Wave.
And sounds like a good plan.
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