In my arm. Is it related to meds?
Anyone else has this?
If it stays until the next pdoc appointment I’ll tell her.
In my arm. Is it related to meds?
Anyone else has this?
If it stays until the next pdoc appointment I’ll tell her.
I used to get spasms and I thought it was from Invega Trinza but I don’t get them anymore.
I’m on Invega. Crap.
I just hope it goes away.
Ive been getting pain in both legs for years but its so bad this past few days im thinking of going back to see gp about it. He said a year ago that its my depot injection causing it and i should change meds. Ive been putting it off going back to see him but its really painful
I hope the doc can help.
When I was experiencing pain in my feet my GP just told me to buy better - more expensive - shoes. He didn’t even examine me.
Earlier this month I told my doctor I get pain in my ankles and shins sometimes when I walk and he didn’t examine me, he just said to “work on losing weight.”
I think when you have a sz diagnosis some GPs just don’t want you as a client.
That’s the impression I’m left with.
Ive had my spine checked, mri, and normal spine so its not that. Im worried i may have to not go for depot next week. I’ll see gp Monday
Sore feet can be a sign of diabetes but if your bloods are up to date the doctor would investigate if it was anything or tell you if its antipsychotics cause it
My bloodwork is okay.
I just used to walk a lot and got painful feet. Now I walk less and things are better.
Thats good
Im prob going to come off ap
Dreading it or change meds
In 2 weeks time I’ll go from 2 to 1 AP.
I’m already happy with that for now
Oh your okay then
I think if it was TD you’d know it. Small twitches here and there are normal.
I recently started getting muscle spasms in left arm im taking rexulti
Im not changing ap. My sister has it in her leg pain and it comes and goes so i shouldn’t worry
When I was on Invega I had leg cramps.
I have leg cramps bad. I’m on invega. My gp started me on restless leg medicine.
Oddly enough I’ve been getting muscle spasms as well. Lately my lower abdomen has been twitching. I first noticed it yesterday. My fingers often twitch as well.
I hope it’s not from the meds because if it worsens I wont be able to draw with tremors.
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