She’s really kind, she buys All groceries for us, she cooks for me everyday, even folds my clothes after washing them. She supports money wise, everytime i say im going to buy something she offers to cover the costs. She lets me sleeo as much I want and fully understands my disability, doesnt comment on how I look physically or mentally. She always thanks me for walking the dog or doing some minor chores. She also understand why I cant hole a job and fully supports be being unemployed. She makes doctor appointments for me whenever I ask. She often pets my shouldier and hugs me for some good words I speak to her or do some major good job. She is the reason why im still alive.
Your mom sounds really nice. My mom is way tougher. She always works and doesn’t give me a lot of time with her. She doesn’t show interest in me or cares how I’m doing. For outsiders she’s really mean too.
Did you relapse in front of her?
She came to visit me while I was hospitalized. So she did make an effort. It’s not all bad.
I did relapse once while I was staying at her place, but she was never home.
But she’s tough. She also believes weak people should just die.
She’s going to be weak someday herself as she ages. She may come to regret that stance as health care workers often mistreat people who are weak and vulnerable
Your mom sounds very nice. You are lucky to have her.
My mom and stepdad took in a homeless woman once. She’d met the lady at church and the woman did have a place but evidently she lost it. They were friends
Your mom sounds great. You’re very lucky to have her @Newlyborn.
My mom was going through some things I didn’t fully understand when I was living with her. I don’t know what I could have done for her if I could have understood it. I don’t think she ever went totally sour on life. That is what I did.
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