I look so old!

Took a selfie of myself and I can’t believe how much I aged in the last couple of years!

I look so old and tired looking.

Now I’ve got a full beard so I can cover my tired and bloated face!

I definitely look like I’m in my 70s

I’m only 57 years old.


It’s all of these different meds I’m taking.

Over the years they have ravaged my looks.

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Yeah, I look old too. It’s the grey hair and grey beard ! But I’ve embraced it.


My father and brother have hair on top…
I miss my hair mostly…

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I look tired too. I have bags under my eyes that without the assistance of makeup make me look older. I hate it. But, I’ll get over it. It’s more important that I feel healthy than whether or not I have bags under my eyes.

My guess is that you’re like me and are being a perfectionist about it. No one’s perfect. We all are imperfect


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